Parenting a child's sociability
Inability to communicate with strangers poured in a child's aggression - a hidden or overt. These children are able to gradually cut to pieces the most beautiful mother's dress came to visit, throw a fit because of the fact that for lunch dish served unloved, to catch all the fish in the aquarium and feed them to the cat. Therefore, often invite a guest. The child must get used to the fact that he will sooner or later have to rotate in a society completely different people. Play and communicate with children and adults in a relaxed home environment gradually work out his need to communicate with people of different ages, and you are close by, and teach your child properly and at the same time naturally behave in any group.
Especially useful for preschool children communicate with their peers. Being in the company of children near the age of the child to fully develop. First of all, satisfied his need for communication, which he loses at home. And even if the mother did not work and has devoted much time the child, and dad all his free time spent with the baby, and then they did not have enough communication to the child. Communicating with adults is necessary for the full formation of the individual child, but it is equally tiresome for adults and children (due to differences in development). Therefore, communication with adults and contacts with peers must be constantly rotated. Because children are united not only the same age, but more or less the same level of development, common interests.

Parenting sociality in the child should take place in an environment of equal development of children, where it behaves very differently than adults: it is more liberated, so as not afraid of an incorrect assessment of their actions on the part of adults who are "always right", more independent, because that there is a series of "caring" parents who are willing to help at any moment. Thus, communication with peers has a positive impact on the social development of the child, helps to purchase a separate experience from the outside world. Of course, this does not mean that the child should be left to itself, in your communication it requires no less.
On weekends, to spend more time with his family. You can all go together to the circus, a visit just to walk in the park. Communicate with your child on an equal footing. Try to listen carefully to the child and encourage him when he asks you questions, and ask them yourself; Be as much interest to what your baby lives. Larger wondered what the child in your absence, that he saw what he thinks. Try to involve him in family talk, advise, give him the freedom of choice, not impose their decisions, that he feels a full member of the family, like everyone else.
Never yell at the child, even if he is wrong: the constant shouting and odergivaniya does not have a positive effect in a critical situation. If even a child will listen to you and fulfill all your requirements, it does not mean that he agreed with you. Such behavior (and yours, and your child) - the next step to mutual alienation. Try to change the tone of communication: let him be strong, but not flashy. Unfortunately, most parents are unable to listen to your child. Conversations tend to boil down to the fact that parents are "educate" the child, pointing out what is right and what is not, how to behave, and how not to ... The child has no opportunity to refuse such "conversations" and had to listen to sermons, or rather to pretend to listen because it is simply not able to carefully listen to the eloquent parent for a long time.
This is due to age-child who is capable only for a minute (maximum two) intently listen and hear what he says. Learn to listen to the child yourself, do not interrupt him with remarks. You only think that he is not a story to tell, but just give him a chance to speak, and you'll realize that his inner world is much richer than you expected, even at this kid has his own experiences and problems. Something about his experiences will seem ridiculous and not worth serious attention, but in any case does not show it and not laugh at a kid, it could seriously complicate your relationship and alienate you from each other. Do not take a dominant position in a conversation, do not try to impose their decision one way or another problem.
Even if you feel that your intervention is necessary, do so unobtrusively, gradually - so that the child was convinced of the independence of the decision. Once and forever relinquish the role of omniscient head of the family, whose decision is always right, and get the kid a companion. Look for the truth together, support each other, share ideas. These relationships will form the basis close contact between you and your child. Quiet conversation is not only adjust the baby on the confidential talk, but at the same time give him new information about the world, which at this age is so important.
After all, this is for you all is simple and familiar, but it is still quite small, it needs a lot to learn, understand, remember. This will allow your baby to feel your mind will understand what it feels like quite an independent person and help to realize their own importance. He believes in that communication with him is interesting, the society it is nice. Ultimately, this will help loosen up the child and prevent the emergence of "unnecessary", "abandonment", as if he had already appeared rid of it.
Develop the child's speech
Informal conversation with the child will have an invaluable impact on the development of his speech, teach accurately and succinctly express their thoughts, and this ability is of great importance for the development of his communication skills. Faced with the need to communicate to a new team (school admissions, for example), developed by the child's speech will greatly facilitate its rapprochement with unfamiliar children. No less important is the ability to clearly express their thoughts and to assert itself in the new team, it's a pledge of good performance.
Advances in the study will give a sense of confidence, which, in turn, will not develop the complex closed in communicating with peers. Some parents sometimes argue: "What kind of conversations we can speak, if the child is only 3-4 years. He and speak more plainly can not. " Note that this statement is only partly true. Yes, a child of this age are still very small vocabulary, but that's no reason to abandon this method of education.
On the contrary, it is in the early preschool years should be that a natural relationship between parent and child, which will subsequently spiritual understanding and relationships will form the basis of the child with the world. In addition, as we can develop the child's speech and recharge his vocabulary, if you hardly talk to my baby? Therefore, try to give daily contact with the child at least a little time. Costs you 15 minutes to distract from their regular affairs, to talk or play together, and the kid will not feel lonely and abandoned. Even if you do something at home, on the ability to attract and child, give him some harder tasks.
Suggest together to perform the necessary work, and then play. Such a way out of this situation, the most optimal: the child is able to communicate with you at work and in play. And as you know, nothing brings people together as a joint work and play. Talking with your child, listening to his stories, playing with him, attentive mom and dad notice the achievements and gaps in the development of the child and in a timely manner will be able to apply appropriate methods of education to children of full-grown man, ready to overcome any difficulties.