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Parenting independence

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Parenting independence

Teach the child independence can have a very early age. For 3-year-old kid can clean up after a toy. Somewhat later, the child learns to dress yourself and carefully remove your clothes in place. Researchers are advised to allow your child to make mistakes in choosing clothes, even if selected socks of different colors, choose a favorite dress of the proposed options for you when you buy two. If the tastes of the adult and child do not match, you should find out what the main difference.

Child is already at preschool age may itself fill the bed and do the cleaning in his room. Naturally, and tucked the bed and produced by cleaning, are unlikely to meet the adult criteria for cleanliness and order, however, important that the child at the same time take the initiative, diligence, a desire to pursue the case. It should be remembered that at the preschool age story-playing game is the leading type of activity, so more good can be offered to children to play, for example, in boys, which should be "to shine clean ship." And, of course, instilling in the child independence, should be primarily self-taught skills. Child should be able to wash, brush teeth, using cutlery is also a self-education .

Modern child sooner acquainted with the appliances, so no young student can learn to use a vacuum cleaner and washing machine. But we should not forget about the differences in standards and to remember the praise. If this is acceptable, it should allow the child to travel independently, not only to schools but also to the sports section, art or music schools, clinics, etc. A list of household tasks is useful to discuss the whole family, and should provide for joint business and do not forget about realistic requirements.

If a child is shy
Parents of shy children is very important to teach children to assert their rights to be independent. This can be achieved if you give your child the opportunity itself resolve this peer conflict situation, certainly in the case when there is no threat to the health of the child. A shy child needs to learn to take responsibility for others. In families where there are brothers and sisters, parents can entrust their shy eldest child chores care of them, to organize cooperative games, etc. Games by allowing younger then overcome shyness and to communicate with their peers.

Parents of such children must ensure that, to help him find an occupation in which he really could achieve success (music, dance, painting, sports, etc.). However, in these circumstances may arise risky situation for the child, for example, competition or contest. Parents should actively encourage any child attempts to take the risk. It is in this one of the real ways of getting rid of shyness. However, parents should not forget the following:

1) Does the child wants to do just that;

2) to assess all the obstacles and dangers that a child sees in the proposed session;

3) to find out what qualities, according to the child must have a person who successfully engaged in this business;

4) Does the child must be motivated to take up the proposed business.

Parents should remember that their children should not impose their own unrealized dreams, and come primarily from their desire and opportunity. When training shy child ability to risk, should adhere to the principle of gradualism and dosing. The most difficult is usually the first step, whether it is expressing their opinions or simply raising hands in class. Adults need to help your child make that first step. Here again comes to the aid of the plot-playing game. Let the child first express his opinion, for example, when playing in the school, and maybe it will be a Forest School, where the shy child will speak on behalf of rabbit or squirrel. This rehearsal will help to accomplish this same action in reality. Adults must remember that everyone, even the minor success of the child should be seen and therefore encouraged.

The child should be prepared as to the success and failure. If your child will be, for example, to participate in a contest or competition, parents should carefully consider the chances of success, to talk with the teacher, to observe classes and ask the child whether he was ready for public speaking. In making the final decision should be based not on the absolute certainty of success, and a willingness for such a step. If a decision is made in favor of participation in a concert or a competition, then continue to discuss the possibility of failure. It is important to explain that no one is immune from failure, there is nothing terrible, especially at the initial stage of training failures occur in most people.

For a child the most persuasive force will have a history of failures in the life of the parents. Seeing that they are quite satisfied and happy, the child is convinced that failure is not as terrible as it seems. The child must understand that failures do not happen only in those who did not take any steps, but in this case it is difficult to achieve in life whatever that may be successful. Whatever the outcome of the enterprise, the child should be praised for what he dared to take risks. It is important to remember that success is largely determined by the number of attempts.
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