Parents divorce and remarriage
Although parents' divorce and remarriage in our days has become very common, emotionally its impact on a child this does not become less severe. Perhaps you are faced with some changes in the behavior of a child - the spirit of contradiction, temper, aggression, tearfulness, inertia. The child must understand that children are loved and cared for in all families: in these, where there's only mom or dad, and in those where there is only a grandmother and grandfather, and in families where the foster parents. Accessible language make it clear that such a change, change. Give children an opportunity to throw out all the accumulated feelings and emotions - plenty to paint, sculpt, play with sand and water, move to the music.

Give your child understand that the divorce took place not his fault and he could not stop parents. Help your child see the positive side of divorce: "You and I will feel better, because nobody else will swear." Do not try to tell your child that not much is happening, because he is going through so many negative emotions and so much pain. Does not follow from the fact that the child is experiencing pain, all to forgive him, or "rush" to him. It would be easier if it is put in a fairly steady and marked the boundary.
Keep in mind that a child whose mother and father to remarry, you need to be assured that due to a new husband or wife, half-brothers and sisters, no one is going to love less. Simply will be other people who also will love him and care for him, and maybe new born brother and sister, with whom he can play.
If the new family has another child
The emergence of a new baby in the family always marks a big change - regardless of whether the child is born to parents who will he be a child of the new mom or dad or adopt. Parents need to be prepared for the fact that the increase in the number of children in the family may lead to conflicts between an old "and" brand new ".
Tell children about where are and how children are born. On this account, there are many children's books that will help make it simple and natural way. Talk to your child that families are created, including the unification of families, adoption. Explain where and how the child develops. Explain that before the baby grows up, should take a long time. Explain that for young children need much care, so adults are much more busy small.
How can we attract more children to preparations for the birth of a baby, then he will feel important and necessary. During the day, scroll to the time devoted to only the older child. Give your child the opportunity to talk to close relatives about how the developing baby, which had already learned what it "learned" it, a senior. Take for granted the jealousy and even hatred that may occur in the highest. Please note that many children, after the baby is born, they want to "pass it back." Suggest different ways to throw out their feelings - paint, knead the dough to play with dolls, playing with sand and water. Help him to learn such turns of phrase: "Could you give me attention when little sleep?", "You can not walk with me when the little sitting daddy?"