Parting - it's scary
Everyone knows that parting - it's sad. But that separation - this is scary for many eye-opener! If you notice that your former self-confidence and their abilities as blown away - do not be surprised. Fears - frequent companions break. Fortunately, this is fixable. After the break you, of course, worried about the most ordinary, the banal to the obscene fears in the style of Bridget Jones. "What if I never marry?", "What if no face of children?", "And what will stay lonely until his last days?" Declared "day of friendship with the fears." For a start they need to be identified. Add in all the column that you were scared, worried, etc. Then give funny names to each of its fear. For example, fear of celibacy you call "old maid syndrome". If you're afraid that the lost remains of female attractiveness and never no one to seduce (or very soon will lose), denoting a "Straholyudina free" ...
We write down all to one concern. And now begin to work with them. First we need to find true fear. Do this will help you little psychological game "Pristavushka. Choose one of fear. And then begins to stick to itself the question: what is terrible? For example, your fear: "I am afraid that I will never be good sex." And what is terrible? "I can not feel beautiful woman." And what is terrible? "I cease to take care of yourself and all Mahna hand." And what is terrible? "Her friends would laugh at me, we stop to talk." And what is terrible? "I will stay alone." Here! This is your real fear! Bother to him with questions until you get to the truth.

After this you can again resort to self-hypnosis. For this compound statements within the meaning opposite to their fears, and repeat them as often as possible. For example, if your fear is formulated as follows: "I'm afraid that will never meet a decent man, not create a family and die alone", then your motto should be: "I can easily find a remarkable man, go out to marry him and create more happy family. " Expanse of this up until not believe it! Try to say this is not a magic spell doom or aggression in the style of "I'll be happy all the evil", but rather with joy and enthusiasm! Listen you just how wonderful it sounds!
Week of comedy!
If you already believe that your life will be happy, it's time to take action to make it to the same long. Here, the most reliable means - it's laugh! After such a huge amount of experience, which has fallen to your share lately, it is logical to arrange a week in the style of «comedy». Look humorous transfer, comedy, read bedtime stories. Your task this week - to laugh as often as possible. Scientists have long known that genuine laughter is an excellent trainer for facial muscles. The more you laugh and smile, the less you have wrinkles. More! The skin becomes toned and immunity against any defects.
Facing a mirror, do not be lazy smile from the heart itself. As the appetite comes with eating, and the desire to enjoy life can come from a smile. However, just watching the program a little humor. We must try and become the heroine of the comedy itself. To develop a healthy ironic approach to life, try to look funny in the everyday. You unfairly reprimanded chief? Imagine that at the time of exposure of his monologue on his head in anger stirred antlers or that he was sitting on the pot, and throughout his speech, waving his shorts in red peas. Of course, it's better to indulge in such fantasies after the incident will be settled.
After all, your task is not to laugh in the face of the head, and just leave a positive rather than negative memories. So should we do with memories of parting with the former. Remember or invent what some funny parts. For example, if you threw for another, pofantaziruy that he went to the dishwasher Claudia Matveyevna. Imagine how he and Byron said sadly: "I'm sorry, but I fell in love with another. Claudia Matveievna, though not young, but the porridge cooks perfectly. Let it weigh a hundredweight, but it will not be eyeing my friends, when she defile before them in a mini skirt. In my life now, a time when I need a woman whose career will not stop me, "etc.
If you managed to turn his life into sitcom, you can congratulate yourself! The hardest part is behind us.
Book of Records of happiness!
So, you've become like a man. Or rather, a completely normal woman! But this is not enough. We must try to be superwoman. How? Very simple! According to the formula superwoman = happy woman! Now is the time to try and set a world record of happiness. Since the measure happiness by quality - a difficult task, we measure happiness quantitatively. For example, one by one. Their establishments, "the book of records of happiness." Write it down there every day at least three good news, good events, joyful details. Strive every day to increase the number of positive items.
For example: 1) repainted hair, 2) received a letter from his brother, and 3) looked at "Pretty Woman" with Julia Roberts and 4) ate a box of truffles, 5) the weather was adjusted ... The fact that the scale of happiness can be different. Most of the girls ignore the small pleasures. But in vain! For example, today you ate kebabs. "So what? - You will say. - I do it every weekend at the cottage it. " And now imagine that you are poisoned. And doctors have forbidden you to eat meat. You're sitting on the breadcrumbs with water and sadly remembers how not appreciate what you had before. Now forbidden barbecue seems to you a great joy, and in fact had been a meaningless trifle.
"Record Book of Happiness will teach you to enjoy each passing day, and appreciate all that you send a life! Maybe you used too is valued their relationships with loved ones? Maybe, she thought: "Yes, who needs it, but me?" Or just bring too many claims? But now you are going through pretty hard your breakup, and hence not so it was bad ...
No no, do not rush to the phone in tears and confidence: "My dear, forgive me, I understood everything!" Today you have to appreciate what you have today! And what do you have today? You're free, independent, intelligent. You're a strong girl and completely able to rebuild their lives. The gap has gone you only benefit: you become wiser, you're prettier, you're much to understand. Old mistakes in the past. You're now another. You have a new life. That's what you can today write in their "Book of Records of happiness." However, think even that something extra from you.