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Pause in the relationship

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Pause in the relationship

In the movie, the characters often speak to each other sacramental phrase: "Let's take a pause in a relationship!" - After which they diverge for a while, and when converge, then their new relationship is characterized by the term happy end. And is there any sense of "parting for a time" in real life? When should you try to put a comma in a relationship instead of a point? To begin with good news. I had a girlfriend Anna, who spent three years in a civil marriage with a dose, the love of her life. In the fourth year she realized that she desperately kisnet in these seemingly harmonious and sincere relations.

On the one hand, they were lovely couple, almost never quarreled and were able to talk to each other about everything. On the other hand, Anna felt the fire of their passion, slowly but surely fading. They do have sex a couple times a month and a pro forma, romantic dates increasingly prefer dinner at home watching your favorite sitcoms. Anna was frightened that her once-ardent lover here now turn to her good friend or brother. Then it and decided to take emergency measures.

Collecting things, Anya Tolya announced that he was leaving on a year-long internship in Germany. "I'll be back next year. Up to you, will you wait for me. I do not want to say that we leave and put the point in our relationship, but rather a dot, after which could be anything. " And she went away for a year. A Tolik stayed.

They are constantly rewritten. In a foreign country to receive endless emails from relatives and the loved one Ana was extremely pleasant. In Germany, take care of it, many men, including some very promising, but with none of them, Anne could not find a common language. With each passing day it stronger and stronger miss my Tolya. When she returned, they again came together. And like a beautiful fairy tale began to appreciate each other more, proving by example that the temporary separation may be the perfect panacea for the resuscitation of love.
If you have real feelings and confidence, time and miles between you must put everything in its place. But the break in relations is fraught with complexities and slippery moments. For example: Will you meet other people and having sex on the side, taking a break in your relationship? If yes, then there'll be frank with each other about their adventures, when once again get off? All this is very difficult. But it's better to negotiate in advance.

There are two options. Either you in advance discusses and approves all the details of your "break", or lets things take their course. But in the second case, be lenient. Consider that this was no time, and parted, not to harass myself thinking, with whom and in what positions spends break your beloved. You and she can meet with others, if you feel such a need, but in this case, assume that your boyfriend can do the same. And this is not his fault. It's suggested that you make a pause.
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