Peace can not exist without you
In fact, the world was born with you. And also with you, with your last breath he will die forever, because your world can not exist without you . The memory of you can live even in someone's world, but not in your ... your no longer be. It's sad, but true. For you, as for every other person, the world exists only way you are ready to see, hear, touch, and to the extent that you are able to understand it. World beyond your own feelings and ideas you simply can not exist. Normal thinking person, which hurts inside (and that's what hurts, called the soul) are most afraid that his short, one and only life will be commonplace, and it turns out that meaning in it, in general, and there was no .
And everyone is looking for its own meaning of life. Summarize here is difficult. Still, it seems to me that in the pursuit of meaning a person is afraid of just go, disappear unnoticed by anyone, be anyone redundant. It seems to me that if commit themselves to a goal and achieve it, life will no longer be in vain. But the purpose of each must be formulated for himself that it was precisely your goal, and not imposed by parents, school environment, the spouse of installation. Remember, if you are able to leave a trace, or a good potential for future growth or an event - it is something. And if your life will be as if you were not, then the question arises, what is it all, why was the sky to smoke?
But this absolutely does not mean that if a child you have not learned English, then on your linguistic abilities can put a cross. This does not mean that if the parents not taken you to a music school, you will never be a composer. Believe me, all at your fingertips. Is wanted. How many were cases where a survivor of some kind of a shock revelation suddenly finds himself in a gift - began to write poetry or paintings, to speak a foreign language, established sports records ... Life - is a parable. And we - its meaning. When get to play with fate, look, if you have a trump card persistence, audacity and courage, otherwise you are destined to lose ...
What we know about the universe?
The world is so varied and rich that people are forced to simplify it, to comprehend. Compilation of maps - a good example of how people comprehends the outside world. Maps are selective: they carry information, and miss her, but they are invaluable in the study area. There are political maps, economic, geographic ... What you want. Depending on the purpose of your research. In neuro-linguistic programming world is called the territory, and our perception of it - the map. Map - this is not the territory it describes. After all, for the map, we draw attention to those aspects of the world that we are interested in, and totally ignore others. The world is always richer than the ideas we have about him. Filters that we impose on our perceptions define the world in which we live.
Someone believes in astrology, and all human relations considered in the light of horoscopes. Someone is studying feng shui. Someone goes to church and prays that God granted him the love. Someone creates his own religion. And oddly enough, it all works, because that's what we believe becomes our reality. For peace is always possible to impose a stencil and drive it into the framework we have also created laws and regulations.
-Husband left me because he goat on a horoscope. I Rat - says his wife.
Papa left us because my mother in the area of love is a basket of dirty laundry - will tell her daughter.
"Of course, he had to leave his wife. After all, our love was blessed from the heavens - is confident lover.
Universe - a territory. Our conception of the universe - this is our site map. But the map is needed to navigate it. In NLP a world map, the individual, to understand an individual set of beliefs about the surrounding events and phenomena: "People go on my feet, after day comes night, you can sit on a chair, hot burn ...." Need to arrange an immediate inventory of their impressions, feelings and memories, a good shake up the attic of his memory and dig out nuggets of positive experiences. It is these seeds we populated by fertile soil of our mind and begin to grow a star.
Looks like a star?
Star - is something that shines, warms and knows his worth. Star does what he likes and is proud of him. Star will not excuse the fact that life compels her to survive, to earn, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, vpahivaya on unloved work. Star will cease to be a star if it finds its way self-actualization. Star is always in love. But here the objects of love in the stars may vary. The Star understands that neither the only people worthy of its care and attention, there is much more interesting worlds - the conquest of the heights and depths of knowledge, art and science of healing and teaching ... next to the star of any person feels that life has a chance and we can always do better.
What qualities distinguish a star from the rest? What this says neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)? Star open to the world. It has an unusual craving for novelty and fiery courage. Thirst for new knowledge and a great learner always will make a star on the crest of a wave. Such a man is not afraid of change and is able to take risks. It is always a powerful mindset for success and self-confidence. Star knows that she's just doomed to success .... And there is nothing there not be helped. Stamina and endurance star worthy of admiration. Stars are able to overcome any obstacles. Star articulates, competently plan and always reaches the goal.
To disappear desires?
"With age, the desire disappears," - said Natasha veteran mother of her husband. The girl was nineteen, and she did not believe it. At twenty-two she still wanted to see the bed in the morning rose with dew drops on velvet paws. Twenty-eight she had something tried to change the sex on the family couch, finding all her kisses arise from the inertia of copulation. In the thirty years to reshape personal life. A thirty-two, calling daughter Lisa, bought her Barbie doll - his childhood dream. Thirty-five Natasha still hoping to become vice-president of the bank. And thirty-seven realized that the place of the chief accountant - a gift of heaven.
Forty-five was a mink coat and dry lips and kissed her husband's unshaven cheek. In forty-six first saw Venice and made a total of 12 photos. At fifty, casually met her lover of twenty years ago, looked at the gray-haired balding ball he once semipyadevoy head and hands awkwardly tucked grown old. In the fifty-two in vogue once again entered his boots, which she dreamed of a girl of eighteen, just aching legs did not allow her to flaunt them. In fifty-four she told her daughter: "With age, desire to disappear!" But the daughter did not believe it. Take everything from life today, and only now. Enjoy every moment of it!
Remember to love yourself - it is only one side of the coin. Second - make sure that you love others. How? Go to people with open hearts and love them, hoping for reciprocity. And about all the other nuances and details of communication with the outside world will be discussed in the third chapter of "How to learn to hear others'? Help, advise, give yourself. And without a moment's regret that love or like so far ... After all, love - the sun in his hands, which you carry. This is a unique treasure that will not become less if you share them. Love makes you prettier, thinner, more sensitive, wiser ... Love - is an experience. Be proud if you were to go through it.