Peony tonkolisty from the evil eye, damage
Pion, worn by itself, protects against evil forces. Especially, it helps young girls and women.
• decoction of the roots helps with epilepsy, anemia, kidney disease, hemorrhoids, anal fissures. 2chaynye spoon to put the root in an enamel pot and pour cold water 2stakanami. Put on a slow fire and let simmer 30 minutes under the lid closed. Remove from heat, strain, divided into 3priema and drink for 30 minutes before meals.
• Powder seeds or decoction removes the burden from people nightmares.
• The house, which kept the seeds of peony, not lightning strikes.
• unclean spirits disappear from the places where it grows peony tonkolisty.
• Dry grass and crushed fruits useful fumigate insane and epileptics.
• When a child is teething, moistened with a decoction of herbs gums.
• From the seeds or roots made a necklace and worn on the neck of children for protection against witchcraft.
• From fruits make a necklace and worn on the neck of those who suffers from epilepsy.
• Decoction of herbs and roots of good help from bronchial asthma.
• Decoction with honey cures spleen, liver, kidney.
• Decoction of the root in wine tames the violent pains in the bladder.
• peony root decoction puts them out of children's stones are in the kidneys or bladder.
• tincture of the root rubbed patients with paralysis.
Pion can cut iron, because he is losing strength.