Personal Tarot Forecast for 2011
"I love meeting was in 2011? I like me? Love me? "Questions complicated and extremely important for many. Finding the answers to them best to do with alignment of ancient maps - Celtic Cross, which symbolizes the sun and eternity, wisdom of the ages and the strength of the Faith. You can not go wrong turning to him. Love Tarot forecast for 2011 - a great opportunity to lift the veil of secrecy and find out what awaits you in feelings and relationships.
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Map Hermit
This card draws you to himself. For you to enter into loving relationships - it is very important, but for this you must first love yourself and stay with him alone. Have you completed a period of activity and self-education. You are currently before the decision, which will be of great importance in the future. You may feel awkward, rashly getting to know different people, because even in romantic relationships may appear a need for solitude. You want to achieve understanding and clarity in your relationship. You will be able to enjoy your conversations with each other, and your life will be finally happy. You'll be thankful for what she has brought you together. You will make plans for the future and combine their joint efforts to implement them. If you are alone, your loneliness will cease to disturb you. You will find the strength to find love and rush into a new and beautiful life.
Map of Prosperity (Sun) - inverted
Stubbornness and pride back progress toward perfection and do not allow to adapt in order to understand the circumstances. Perhaps you have been denied something you can not, or you feel that the relationship with your partner do not meet expectations. Then and there is uncertainty, and then disappointment. Beware of arrogance, conceit and excessive pride in your successful relationships. You can now take too much of what you are given at the present time, but still try to re-evaluate your life easy. Keep your speech and think about their actions, then you'll be fine.
Map of The Empress
This card has a dual meaning. On the one hand, it signifies a strong relationship. On the other hand, this card speaks about the serious, mature partner with whom you will develop productive and lasting relationships. You are standing firmly on the ground. If you installed with someone serious relationship, your sensuality will help achieve a memorable mutual enjoyment. In an increasing creativity brings huge benefits. You want to improve their appearance, and this desire is transferred to someone you love. For you there is a period of abundance. Do you have favorable conditions to grow creatively and intellectually.
Map Chariot - inverted
Have you lost confidence in themselves and are unable to make the right decision. Envy and despair can take you. You hate reality, and it annoys you, you want to change it, but do not know how to do it. Sometimes a similar condition appears out of nowhere and is the result of exhaustion. This card warns you from wasting energy. Now you will approach critical in setting priorities. You think carefully about what to do first, what is the likely risk and what the price of what you seek and what you want to get. You will become a leisurely analyze and choose the most appropriate way for you to achieve the goal. However, in full you will still not be able to achieve what you want. Feeling of dissatisfaction will not leave you. Therefore, you are actually wasting their time and energy on fruitless thinking and unrealistic plans rather than plunge into the world of sweet sensations and romantic love with your partner. Think about whether such mental effort something that you're going to rack their brains?
Map of Sacrifice (The Hanged Man) - inverted
If you are a man, this card can mean problems with potency or ejaculation. If you are a woman, the card means many delays and obstacles, braking and problems from the past that prevent you reach true love at this stage of life. You are fighting against the inevitable, but to accept the fact that nothing can get you back into the past. We must make the right choice, but it needs to stop all resistance, without trying to understand the meaning of what is happening to you. Please be patience and determination, rely on their intuition, and eventually everything will fall into place. This is not the time for making major decisions. You are currently unable to clearly see and analyze all the possible consequences of your actions. You may feel exhausted and very frustrated if you continue to attempt to deal with present circumstances. Understand, finally, that it is unfavorable for you time itself will take place, so you do not need to worry and harass others because of what you still can not influence.
Map of accomplishment (Death) - inverted
Currently, you can include pain or anger. You can not refuse because he has become familiar to you. You need to focus all your attention to the dark abyss and thus to understand that you are able to control himself. Trying to force a change will not lead to the desired result and will not bring you the happiness you seek. You just run out of yourself, wasting all their strength. Your parting with the past is inevitable, but it will be a slow process.
Map Lovers
This card means a full sexual arousal, total eroticism, without which love is incomplete. Usually, it predicts a new love or says about the new birth of the existing relations. You are in a state of romantic love or a happy marriage. If you have any doubts about the manifestations of your relationship, then you'd better stick to the openness of feelings. Frozen relations ossified society you are irrelevant. Your instincts guide you in the right direction. You have reached a crossroads in his life, which affects all aspects of it. Now, your happiness depends on you. If you are alone, then soon someone will find. You have reached a crossroads in his life, which affects all aspects of it. Now, your happiness depends on you. If you are alone, then soon someone will find.
Map of the Emperor
Your activity is high, because you sure that you have nothing to lose by trying to target. In the framework of relations with the partner you are ready to take any measures to relieve tension between you. If you are single, take their destiny into their own hands and goes in search of her lover. You have everything to achieve our goal. An early success may even surprise you.
Map of Wheel of Happiness (The Wheel of Fortune)
You must begin a new cycle of love. You do not know this new love, or the revival of the old, or there is love will go into a new phase, but changes are remarkable and significant. This is an excellent time for risky activities that embody the old dreams and visions. Good luck on your side, so make the most of a chance to step aside. Surprises are a gift of fate and have a hidden meaning. Do not try to master the situation and establish control over events. Just enjoy. Map of Wheel of Fortune predicts you some unexpected surprise. If until now your personal life was dull and dreary, everyone is now going to get better. Stream of invitations - a typical value of this card in this position. You can count on success, as new contacts and acquaintances both inspire and entertain you. This will be an excellent time to establish any non-binding romantic relationships with many interesting people you.
Map of the Moon - an inverted
Are you confused and unable to recognize reality. You may be tempted to try drugs, ask the doctor to write down the sleeping pills, or bump in the booze. Vivid imagination fool you. Recreation and Sport - the best antidote to all this. Currently, you are constantly plagued by various disturbing thoughts, and you're trying to stay focused on solving your problems. But all may not be so significant. You may be someone with something to tempt, or you succumb to some kind of provocation. You may be fascinated by the various attractive plans that are in fact illusory and unrealistic. However, if you are aware of the possible dangers of this period, you will be vigilant and be able to pragmatically assess the evolving situation that will allow you to avoid unnecessary difficulties.