Personal Water
Personal water - water, programmed to solve a specific problem, and only for a specific person. How does personal water?
The water can be affected in several ways. Homeopaths program the water, "imprinting" on the crystallite water information about drugs. For this molecule, a chemical "trigger" in the water, mixing in a special way, bringing all the water gets healing properties. She heals as well as medicine, but gives no side effects. This chemical method of programming of water.
Can be "charged" water energy biofield. So do psychics. But the human aura is very limited, and with this method consumes too much energy. In addition, the biological field contains a lot of unnecessary information, and water charged may thus produce the opposite effect. After all, the psychic also a man, he also has his own problems and disease. All this information is stored in the crystals of water and gets into the patient's body. That's why the water charge the biofield can only be very healthy and happy people.

The most effective and safest way to program the water - with the help of vibration. This, incidentally, is the oldest way. After the first who programmed the water, was none other than God the Father. He said: "Let the waters bring forth living creatures" - and in the water has information about life! Man, alone of all creatures, which owns the gift of speech, can also program the water to solve their problems, whether they relate to health, personal life or financial situation. Healers and witch always given to those who approached them for help, nagovorennuyu waters. With its help, people were healed of diseases, returned loved ones, comforted children, cleaned house, got rid of corruption and evil eye. But sometimes that means nagovorennoy water to people harmed: send spoilage, illness and even death. Nagovorennaya water it has a vested water, it is what we will learn how to prepare.