Personal analysis of the fate
This is the most accurate prediction of all you have read previously. The findings and conclusions of this analysis confirmed serious research on numerology. This calculation allows us to see past and future of your life in its entirety. You will be able to assess their strengths and weaknesses of personality, career opportunities, good luck to the acquisition of money. You'll learn how to may get your love and sex life. Howto : 1) Be sure to fill out the form letters of the alphabet, 2) married women should be used for calculations maiden name. 3) Fill in the form, click on the button and follow the instructions.
Marilyn Monroe, born Norma Jean Mortensen was born on 1 June 1926. - American actress, singer and pop idol. With the movie "Niagara" and "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" started her career as a sex symbol. Marilyn co-starred in 30 films in his entire short life. Her private life (the story of her marriage), love affairs (including Kennedy), but the circumstances of his death, in which even perceive the trace of a political conspiracy, lively debate to this day.
Marilyn Monroe: an analysis of the fate
Numerological personal code -1 / 0
If your personal code of fate is a 1 / 0, you are endowed with independent-minded and strong character. You are very persistent in reaching goals and do not know the vibrations. If you will be making important decisions, the latter will be final and irrevocable, and any interference cause you irritation. You are egocentric and do not hesitate to assert their own uniqueness. Is not it true you - just a gift to a grateful humanity!
You do not take life energy, tenacity and fearlessness, which are most pronounced in active creative activity. One gets the impression that the source of your energy inexhaustible. You are sociable, but at the same time, trust only yourself and prefer to go their way. Loneliness does not oppress you, but rather, brings joy. As a result of such self-sufficiency you will periodically get out of sight of your friends. Do you like to weigh their chances in solitude. Despite the hypertrophied yourself, you enjoy spending time with other people, if the choice of a circle of contacts is up to you.
You are always in search of new opportunities and do not have anything against risky ventures. You are not strangers to innovation and entrepreneurial spirit that will manifest itself in everything, whatever you're doing. Everything is new attracts you like a magnet, and stimulates your vital energy. It is not excluded that you have talent and inventors are trying to introduce technological innovations, wherever possible. You can easily find a way out of difficult situations, taking extraordinary solutions. Having set a goal, you weigh all the pros and cons and as a result find the desired output. For example, before you put the almost impossible task, but you find the right decision and successfully deal with it. You have a bright head and a strong will, hand in case you can always bring it to the end.
In my heart you - an intellectual who constantly seek to obtain new knowledge. You try not to miss a single book, though because of your continued employment this is not so easy. Your mind will stimulate new ideas, both its own and other people, you have a special and reverent attitude to talented people.
The active work of the mind does not exclude the vexation of spirit from time to time you will be useful to meditate or listen to good music. You intuitively feel that by developing spiritual qualities, it is possible to find a new source of creative activity. Number 1 promotes the search for self-expression and gives you the ingenuity, flair and originality of thought. Suppose you decide to bake a cake for my birthday my friend. You do not stop to make mediocre culinary, but enthusiastically set to work, trying to cook something unusual in appearance and taste, you always present your gift in a festive atmosphere, and with unusual pomp. More than likely you will want to impress the imagination of the birthday. You do not really matter, like your cake or not important - self-affirmation and self-expression.
Excessively self-centered quality can deliver a lot of trouble. Excessive narcissism contributes to the fact that you begin to consider themselves "navel of the earth." Unconsciously you will endeavor to communicate with people who catch every word and dance to your tune.
Positive characteristics, which have provided you the number 1, may take a distorted and often ugly forms. So, sometimes the desire to benefit the people you are completely lost. Making someone good, you expect praise and gratitude. Inflated self-esteem leads to the fact that you are indifferent to the aspirations of others, in particular, your family and friends. In a sense, self-confidence you need to realize the tremendous creative potential.
Often you care about other people's feelings and the existing rules of conduct. Boundless self-absorption makes you follow only their own motives. However, sometimes destructive tendencies of your behavior positive results.
Often you will need some kind of a push to get out of inertia. Bouts of melancholy and soul-searching for you not uncommon. Self-realization is the meaning of your life, so as to anyone else you need a sober look at our own capability. Suppose you are dependent on others, and rely solely on our own strength is not so simple. In this case, a very useful set yourself a specific goal, the successful achievement of which will help to regain faith in themselves. He coped with a simple task, you have to prepare themselves for future challenges.
Influence of the number 1 cause and the exact opposite reaction. In this case it is that you can fall into another extreme - will begin to suffer from an inferiority complex, withdrawal, loneliness and longing rastravlyaya wounds. In this situation, you indignantly reject the outstretched hand of help to you. In the end, you realize that you can help yourself and you alone.
Sometimes you encounter a problem, which can only be solved through the mobilization of all forces and resources. In this case, you can question the very possibility of a successful project. Delays and obstacles in the way you are plunged into despair, but deep down you know that only you under force to cope with this problem, since by nature it is you have the qualities needed for this.
Perseverance, willpower and aggressive behaviors are often a hindrance in achieving this goal, as your blood pressure at around gives them a counter reaction and rejection. So, if you are constantly plagued by reminders mate, he will not run faster than ever before. Similar reactions you are the attempts to remind others of your responsibilities.
Communicating with other people, you do not always express their thoughts with the necessary certainty and therefore often in a delicate situation. For example, you need to evict recalcitrant defaulters out of the house you own. Hoping that residents will appreciate your sensitivity, you say: "Do not you going to vacate the apartment in the near future?" - Instead of bluntly: "You have breached their obligations. I'll give you 30 days to find yourself another place to live and to vacate the apartment." This way, you doom yourself to unnecessary trouble and additional explanations, because they do not take care to express clearly in bad faith.
You are subject to outbursts of anger and until you learn to control himself and clearly express their thoughts, will have difficulty in communicating with other people.
Do you have all the prerequisites for vigorous interaction with other people. Your partner will be very pleased if he felt himself at the center of your attention. In general, you are very independent in their affections. So, you can settle down and have children, but will always be a slave to his own desires and motives. In this sense, finding a suitable partner will be difficult.
It is possible that the family will be perceived by you as a nuisance, you may seem pointless "wasting hold" time, which you could spend on the job, which is your primary life purpose. Your partner is destined to face the fact that you forgot to cook dinner, or are not going to waste time "sentiment." That's why you need someone with the same strength of character as you have.
You are stubborn and willful, but sometimes this behavior is "Plant a partner - some people find pleasure in overcoming obstacles. Despite the pronounced qualities of leadership, from time to time you feel lonely and you want to be guided. For example, after a hard week of work you will be pleased if the chosen one will invite you to dinner or buy movie tickets.
Do you like the "set on the shelves" - to appoint the date of a business meeting and a meeting with someone you love, to fulfill contractual obligations and to predict the marriage, to determine the appropriate time to pregnancy and birth, etc. Do you like to be active, and you do not feel shortage of ideas on how to make privacy a rich and diverse.
It is not excluded that in childhood a decisive influence on the formation of your personality has a father, or someone familiar adult males. In this case, two diametrically opposite options: either you are literally "praying" for his father, a man inspired you to overwhelming fear. Childhood experiences can manifest itself in the fact that you will attract men of advanced age. In this case it is very useful to have a spiritual father who will find peace of mind.
You tend to be very active in their passion and make love anywhere and using a variety of sexual positions. Sometimes in sexual relationships as you go to extremes: from complete surrender to the exceptional self-centeredness, not thinking about the partner, but only about their own pleasure. Sometimes you show your uncharacteristic modesty and avoid intimacy outside the bedroom for fear of prying eyes. Whatever it was, sexuality is not the last place in your life.
Your appearance radiates beauty, strength and health. Most likely, you're tall and has a gentle ringing voice. Your appearance makes a compelling beautiful white teeth, coupled with the clear, shining eyes.
As a child, you are dragged to the knowledge and happy to go to school. Your parents are likely to have been educated, and at least one of them had a strong-willed character. Your teachers had not sweet, and their attempts to attract your attention is often met with resistance, especially if you played with friends or do homework. However, you yourself did not differ civility and unceremoniously interrupted by the other in mid-sentence, even then your self-centeredness is manifested in its entirety. Having an independent nature, you soon realize that you need only rely on their own. Perhaps a child you have not heard about that should not be complaining about his fate, but to perceive life as it is.
You were friends with the brothers and sisters who, to some extent replaced by your parents, or, conversely, took over the functions of his older brother (sister). Forming your identity has been exposed to the dominant influence of his father. You are attracted to sports, but at the same time, you missed an opportunity to sit at home alone with a book in their hands.
Children with the first code line of fate, require greater attention, they should praise and encourage the development of their intellect and give them a job doing that, they can see concrete results. They can be both too opinionated and zakompleksovanny. In the latter case, you should help your child overcome shyness, and he will find his place in life.
Your personal evaluation of their own health too emotional. You will either underestimate or overestimate their physical condition. You should be afraid of high blood sugar, kidney failure and problems with organs of digestion, in which case the zone at risk is the intestine.
Everything speaks for the fact that you like to earn a living and be financially independent. Money is not your only goal. You love your job, and in the first place you enjoy the process of creation. You have every opportunity to become a professional athlete, scholar, leader at any level, or inventor. You have every chance of succeeding in education, and success of the enterprise (in particular, fundraising) will contribute to your undoubted volitional qualities.
Michael Joseph Jackson born August 29, 1958. Of the nine children in the family, he was seventh. Michael and his older brothers (Jackie, Tito, Marlon and Dzhermen) were in the spotlight when their father, Joseph Jackson, created a group of sons. He called them «The Jackson 5". Subsequently, Michael has become the most commercially successful solo artist in history and was proclaimed "King of Pop." His album «Thriller» listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the biggest-selling disc.
Michael Jackson: an analysis of the fate
Personal numerological code - 29 / 2
Code of fate 29 / 2 will give you sustained and practical nature. You can direct all their energies on achieving their goals. For example, you can work all day, forgetting about rest and eat. Under the influence of such possession to the work you are able to achieve significant financial success.
In pursuit of perfection you cherish each passing day, trying to use your allotted time for the benefit of themselves and others. You do not accept the position of an outsider - unrealized goals you are considering as a defeat. And yet you insist, and if that fails do not leave repeated attempts to reach her.
You are inventive and often find new ways and approaches to the implementation of emerging ideas. You are equally endowed with an intuitive gift and ability to think logically. The totality of these qualities help you make the right choices, and in combination with characteristic insight, you you have all chances to achieve considerable success. It is not excluded, that you will achieve universal recognition and fame.
Sure, you're a bright personality, you have a favorite work, and no shortage of friends and loved ones. You - an intellectual, a keen interest in literature, art, classical music. Over time, you can become famous scientists in the field of education.
Perhaps you are interested in and to the spiritual realm. Religious and philosophical exercises calming effect on you and help you focus. Possessing leadership qualities, you can lead a pilgrimage to holy places, such as the sacred mountain, or temple. You are not alien to the charity for which you are not only manifested a lively interest, but also serves as an example. However, your whole life is a guide for other people.
You - lover of life and his example inspire others. There are many admirers of your talent, wealth and social status. At the same time you have and such attractive qualities like selflessness, generosity and ability to help people.
You are smart, know how to keep up the conversation and love, when life does not stand still. In an effort to get out of life all the best, you dine in expensive restaurants, buy food in the most prestigious shops and dress by famous tailors. Such a way of life inspires you self-confidence, and material abundance gives a sense of security and power over others. The size of your bank account does not matter - you buy the best of what you can afford. As a rule, you carefully watch for its appearance and to maintain cleanliness and order in the house.
You are open, emotionally sensitive and feel the need for a comfortable and homelike atmosphere. In his leisure hours you are trying to relax. Maybe you like yoga and meditation to facilitate your spiritual development.
You are outgoing and try to resolve any differences through negotiations and mutual concessions. You have good and trusting relationships with loved ones. Code of fate 29 / 2 did you emotionally vulnerable and sophisticated man.
The nature of your personality is related to the lunar influence. Accordingly, you love sports, water-related, such as diving, snorkeling, sailing races, water skiing. Maybe you like riding, and meditation.
You are too demanding to themselves and others, and often this quality becomes a cause of bitter disappointment. During such periods are possible emotional breakdowns and stress conditions. The higher your expectations, the stronger the bitterness of unjustified expectations. Therefore, in case of failure, you should consider how to defeat the necessary experience and next time do more sober predictions for the future.
Sometimes the material gain precedence over other life values. During such periods of your life to become a money as a means to emotional security. At the same time, you as the spiritual man can come to terms with the defeat on the financial front, and brighten up the ugly reality of care in a transcendental world. In this sense, mystical experiences can help you regain energy and balance the potential for the future.
In an effort to realize the original, innovative ideas and a meeting must understand, you often feel a deep disappointment. Such failures lurk each inventor. Therefore, you should not indulge in despondency, and to adopt the slogan "go and do not give up."
Do you like healthy competition, forcing work to limit the forces and capabilities. However, sometimes you are trying to get around an opponent by any means and become cynical and ruthlessly. At the same time you feel like superman, who is entitled to dominate others. Over time, you realize that life gives you everything you need and cynical victory not only bring satisfaction, but also hurt himself the winner.
With its indomitable energy, you're able to convince anyone and anything, but doing everything possible to avoid the role of arbitrator. Arguments and heated discussions you tire and plunged into stress. As a rule, you try to diplomatically avoid the solutions other people's problems, but sometimes, especially when affected by your interests, you can throw out the accumulated emotions of the disputants. And yet you are willing to go with the honor of an unpleasant situation, and openly and honestly understand the essence of the problem, to solve the misunderstanding to the mutual satisfaction of the disputing parties.
Code of fate 29 / 2 will give you a strong energy and as a result, a hot temper. In addition, you are so concentrated, that creates an aura of tension, particularly when "stood on the wrong foot." At times, you oppress the presence of strangers or, alternatively, you show a complete indifference to others. However, some people are energetically charged in your presence, while with others you have installed the feedback. Perhaps from time to time you will be useful to be alone with yourself.
Sometimes you artificially create a problem, fearing to face their own fears. For example, you are afraid of losing their jobs and thus "are attracted to itself the possibility of dismissal. Therefore, you should think only about good, positive thoughts for model success, and negative expectations provoke adequate consequences.
Sometimes you make rash decisions in haste which later repent. Therefore, taking vital decisions, carefully analyze all the facts and trust common sense.
With its charismatic appearance, you always want to hear from her half-words of approval and admiration. Achieving this, you go to all sorts of tricks, especially on a first date. Wanting to impress her imagination, you're my darling in an expensive restaurant or hire a luxury limousine. Particular attention you pay to their appearance and dress eccentrically and throws. However, it is possible that you do not need to save as you earn good money and, perhaps, inherited a considerable fortune.
Given its own financial capacity, you are trying to get acquainted with no less rich and ambitious man. However, the more likely you want to create a family and "make money" with his lady. Your health and confidence are directly dependent on the size of capital nailed together. In this sense, whatever rasprekrasnoy was not your partner, you will not feel safe as long as your account will not be based on a tidy sum.
You adore plan, even in such an intimate sphere, as the relationships between people. For example, you can tell his intended that your relationship should stand the test of time, and dealt with specific term, say, six months (the same day!). You are naive to think that life is subject to your forecasts and schemes. However, it is not, and often the events unfolding in unanticipated ways. Perhaps your expectations are so high that you stop believing in their feasibility. You should leave their "bookkeeping" and let the relationship evolve naturally.
Probably you are trying to get closer to a smart, sensitive and spiritual person. However, the most important to you is the ability of a potential darling of emotional openness and understanding. Perhaps you find it difficult to express their feelings, because you are vulnerable and sensitive. Sometimes you put on a mask of indifference and avoid overt sensual impulses. However, such behavior can not continue indefinitely, and sooner or later, the emotions will declare themselves one way or another.
Sometimes you act like a baby and need a guardianship and care. In this case, your fiancee should be mature enough and wise. For his part, you are generous with hugs and gifts.
You are a passionate, sensitive and creative lover who is looking for reciprocity from the partner. In this sense, you need a tactful and liberated a man capable of daring search of exquisite caress. You altruistic passion and let yourself sincerely and selflessly.
You have an "adult child" - a stubborn chin, thin nose and a highly placed eyebrows. Your feature is a soft bright and charming look.
You were a charming baby and welcome in any company. You are invited to the most brilliant party, and peers tried to call you friend. Often you feel left out, since taking to heart a trifle. For example, you feel insulted to the depths of the soul, if a friend forgot to bring you the promised game. However, you were not able to sulk for a long time and soon found himself a new occupation.
Your talents do not go unnoticed, others liked it when you played the piano, recited verses of his own composition or to demonstrate their drawings. Perhaps you found out your creative energy by participating in school productions of drama group.
Children born under the sign code, the fate of 29 / 2, need for emotional support, especially when they are frustrated by his early life failures. Perhaps the child should explain that the success - come with time and, despite everything, the parents love it.
Do you have a predisposition to diabetes, pains in the stomach, nervous breakdown, intense headaches, and hormonal disorders. It is not excluded that you have a problem with the respiratory system. Probable depression.
Perhaps you will become a diplomat, mediator, or authorized the negotiations. You have the qualities to become a peacemaker, to work in a charitable organization, advisor or expert on acupuncture.
It is not excluded that you will work in business and finance and, perhaps, become the owner of a large corporation. There is a chance that you'll actor, artist, musician or writer. Whatever profession you choose, you will ensure the success and recognition.