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Personal approach to the child in kindergarten

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Personal approach to the child in kindergarten

The process of individuation is facilitated when a parent or teacher know that one child to learn better, we must talk and interact, and the other - to work quietly alone.Given this, we can see that the child behaves according to its nature, temperament, learning as he tells his nature. The most noticeable feature of each person, perhaps, is its family culture: the family of Lena is very sociable and hospitable, family Valeria likes to spend free time in the campaigns; family Dima prefers privacy and sensitivity refers to the household. It is clear that from these children should expect different behavior in kindergarten.

Obviously, the 3-4-year-old child thinks and acts not like 5 or 6 years old. Should be mindful of the typical manifestations of each age. Between the children of each age group there are significant differences. There are many features and options, for example: serious / light-hearted, energetic, calm, curious / indifferent, easy / tight, readable / disorganized, etc. Differences between the sexes are so obvious that teachers do not even take into account when analyzing the individual.

Some children learn slowly, others quickly, that does not related to the level of intelligence. One child is assumed in obtaining information on the visual sensation, the other for these purposes, hearing and touch. Most children have at least one interest. Strengths are all children. Strengths of the help to be successful in everything, often compensate for weaknesses. Some children refer to themselves as incapable, others - like a very capable and self-esteem of the majority of children is something in between.

Personal approach to the child in kindergarten is required. It needs to be taken into account when planning and, especially, at the organization of the pedagogical process and interaction with children and parents. The most optimal: to create a family or a group of kindergarten developmental conditions and give children the right to independent participation in planning and implementing their own action plans.
Family Values

It is not about the family heirlooms or bank accounts! The fact that every family has its own culture, their traditions, their attitude to surrounding reality. In the aggregate, they constitute the "family values". In turn, family values significantly influence the way family members relate to one or another situation in the child's life, including the situations occurring in any children's team. Knowledge of family values can sometimes be a very effective way to solve problems in relationships with parents.

At one of the parents' meetings to discuss the offer parents a list of personality traits (listing them out loud or in advance by printing for each participant meeting). Ask them to choose among these qualities of the three most important person for each and rank them - to distribute in order of importance. Suggest wishing to call their family values. Emphasize that any system of family values is unique and has the right to be, that the diversity of family values does not divides, but adds, makes an interesting conversation.

Re-read the notes taken by his parents. Try to match them with the image of the family that you have already formed. Pay special attention to the discrepancy between your views and claimed the parents of family values. Perhaps this discrepancy rooted causes of the failure. Build contact with their families, focusing on their claimed family values. For example, if a child broke the cup, and the system of family values in the first place is the "health", then told his parents about the dishes, start with a statement about these words: "Sergei today dropped the cup, so much so well that no scratches will not work! "

For parents, including family values which the principal - "justice", the same situation may be filed otherwise. For example: "Sergei today broke a few cups, but in fairness it should be noted that the blame does not he. Nikita rolled the car and it came just under the feet of Sergei. Fortunately, nobody was hurt. " Long? But fairly and honestly. Virtually conflict-free, and most importantly, without the "yabednichestva.Knowledge of the core values of families of your students will give you an understanding of many situations. For example, why parents try to "stuff" of children in all circles at once, and ignore your doubts on this score (or on what basis their claims "treatments" at the first sign of a cold).
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