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Personal area man

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Personal area man

Spatial dimensions of personal territory rights relating to the social average income level, are basically the same and do not depend on where he lives. It can be divided into 4 distinct spatial zones.

1.Intimnaya zone - from 15 to 46cm. Of all the bands, this most important, because it is the zone man guards as if it was his property. Allowed to enter the zone only to those persons who are in close emotional contact with him. These children, parents, spouses, lovers, close friends and relatives. In this area there is another sub-zone radius of 15cm, which can penetrate only through physical contact. This sverhintimnaya zone.

2.Lichnaya zone - from 46cm to 1,2 m This is a distance that usually separates us when we're at parties, official receptions, parties and friendly company.
3.Sotsialnaya zone - from 1,2 to 3,6 m. At this distance we keep from strangers. For example, from a plumber or a carpenter, who came to do repairs in our house, a new employee at work and from people who do not know very well.

4.Obschestvennaya zone - more than 3,6 m. When we refer to a large group of people, then it's best just to stand at this distance from the audience.

Using a zonal space in communication

Usually our personal territory rights violated this or that person, for two reasons. In the first case this occurs when the "offender" is our close relative, or friend, or a person with sexual intentions. In the second, when the "offender" be hostile tendencies and tend to attack us. If we can not tolerate the invasion of strangers into our personal and social areas, the invasion of a stranger into an intimate zone is inside our body different physiological responses and changes. Heart starts beating faster, adrenaline is released, blood rushes to your brain and muscles, causing the body to a state of readiness.

This means that if you are a friendly touch to the arm or hug the person you just met, it could make him a backlash against you, even if he or she will smile at you and that you will not hurt to pretend that it is he / she likes. If you want people to feel comfortable in your company, follow the golden rule: keep your distance. The more intimate our relationship with other people, the closer allowed us to penetrate their zone. For example, when you've just come to the crowd, at first you might think that the staff treats you very cool, but they just keep you at a distance corresponding to the social area, because few of you know. As soon as the environment gets to know you better, the distance between you and it will decrease and, eventually, will allow you to move within the personal zone, and in some cases, to penetrate into the intimate zone.

Overcrowding of people at concerts, cinemas, public transportation, elevator leads to the inevitable intrusion of people into intimate areas to each other, and it is interesting to watch people's reactions to these incursions. When each of us goes on a crowded bus stop around for us to exist, and as long as we are not directly zadenut, we do not react to them. It creates the impression that his unconscious assault on our intimate territory of people put us in a defensive position.

Professional community or the parties, united by a common purpose, responding to a violation of their territory entirely different manner than individuals. In fact, the following occurs: to the extent that it increases a group of people, personal space of each individual is getting smaller, and it takes a hostile attitude toward strangers. That is why communicating face to face is more effective when meeting and during the negotiations, because as soon as he again found its zonal space, he calms down. Summarizing, we can say that a person considers the space around him as his property or the area is regularly used by them as their own territory, like personal air space, and ready to fight to protect her. Therefore, "Keep your distance."

Acceptance or rejection of its terms

On non-verbal level, people always show whether they agree or not to accept anyone into their circle. The main thing here - to know what to look out for. Triangular position both open and closed can be used for the expression of acceptance or rejection of a person in your company. If you want to join two enthusiastically talking to people, then it can be done only at a time when their bodies are deployed at an angle to each other in the direction of an imaginary triangle. If you do not want to take this company, then the sides will remain closed position and turn in your favor only their heads, recognizing your physical presence, but the position of their bodies toward each other suggests that they do not invite you here to dwell.

Often at the beginning of a conversation people can stand in the open triangular position, but gradually the two of them can form a closed position, thereby excluding you from their company. This arrangement of forces in the triangle must tell you, that simply should leave these people to not be in an awkward position. Perhaps with the right person to talk more privately. When you attend any party or presentation, please note that some mixing together people stand or sit in the same posture and repeat the gestures of each other. This "mirroring" is the means by which one person tells another that he agrees with his opinion and views. With this tool, a non-verbal signals to another: "As you can see, I think the same way as you, so I copy your posture and your gestures."

Dr. Albert E. Sheflen, professor of psychiatry, noted that people are unfamiliar with each other studiously avoided dealing with the same poses and postures. Mirroring is of great importance because it is one of the ways to show the recipient that you agree with him and you like it. You can do this by simply copying his gestures. Likewise, on otzerka-incense, you can determine that the other party likes you and he agree with you. Using mirroring, can influence the outcome of the conversation with the person face to face. Copying his gestures and postures to help you locate the man to himself as he sees that you understand and share his point of view.

Frankly speaking, I did not believe until you have tried. At business meetings, this method works for 70% successful. When I started using this method in the informal and business communication, I found that the number of people lying to me positively and strongly increased. Once a situation where I spoke with difficult clients and to pre-select a strategy mirroring. Imagine my surprise when the negotiations were quickly and successfully. As they say: unbelievable, but true. This method works fine. Real communication can be established only when you are dealing with someone face to face. But while interacting with some people you feel comfortable with others - uncomfortable and suspicious. It mainly depends on how your interlocutors are looking at you, the duration of their look and how long they can sustain your opinion.

If a person is unhappy, or concealing something, the time during which his eyes meet yours in conversation, is less than one third of the communication time. If the time when the look of a man found with your eyes is more than two-thirds of talk time, it can mean one of two things: first - he or she will find you very interesting or appealing, in this case, the pupils of the eyes interlocutor will be expanded, the second - he or she is hostile to you and send non-verbal challenge; vetom case the pupils will be constricted.

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