Phantoms around us
When I first heard about the phantoms, I reacted to this "phenomenon" rather skeptical, although I can not include myself among those people who reject all mystical and inexplicable. Such a relation to phantoms served, above all, my ignorance, I thought that the Phantom is something akin to the cast, in fact it is simply not true.
Phantoms - a copy of the power of people, animals and some objects, cities, monuments, etc. And if there are ghosts of themselves and their presence from us does not depend - we do not create them, with the phantoms of the situation is quite different. These energy we can create copies of themselves, in most cases unconsciously, and the most unpleasant thing is that these phantoms, then, complicate our lives.
But let us all in good time. Stories about phantom - power twins, came to us from antiquity. Energy twins of people saw on the streets, buildings, and they were kind of quite tangible entity, unlike the ghosts. For example, in 1740, twin of Anna Ivanovna in full regalia and in full vestments, seen by many, it happened nine days after her death.
Typically, phantoms we "catch" peripheral vision. The sudden appearance of ghosts in our lives above all suggests that the energy situation around us is stressed, it is "blocked", usually heralds the presence of phantoms, some adverse events. These phenomena often occur in homes where repairs have not been placed where a lot of unnecessary or in the house there is a charm thing, etc.
The most common phenomenon of phantoms - a phantom pain. It is no secret that after the amputation of limbs for a long time people talk about the fact that this extremity pain, or that they had it still feels, etc. The thing is that physically this limb removed, but that's the essence of its energy (phantom) remained.
Phantom work psychics, they are working with a phantom man examine his aura, restore energy contour as the contour of the phantom should be no gaps, protrusions and depressions. On the phantom diagnosed internal organs, and restores their energy. After that, the psychic "carries" the phantom of the physical body and this phantom gradually begins to heal the person.
When working with phantom psychic, ghost helps a person, but it also happens that the phantoms are destroying people's energy, which leads to negative consequences. For example, after abortion in a woman's body remains a phantom of her unborn child. He disappears on the fortieth day, and during this time, he undermines the power of women, thereby damaging her health and the health of future children, because they will develop in the energy-weakened body of the mother.
Phantoms are dangerous because they are fueled by their creators. Often unconsciously, we contaminate their apartments energy phantoms of furniture or other objects. If you are going to buy something in the house, we tend to walk around the apartment and imagine how it will look at this place a sofa, where better to hang a picture, whether to put in this place a chest of drawers, etc.
Unnoticed by us, we fill the flat phantom furniture and other items, gradually in this apartment we are starting to get tired, have headaches, we have a "crushing" the surrounding space. To avoid this, model is better on paper or via computer program. Then you will not "pollute" the surrounding space phantoms, which will be fueled by your energy.
Sometimes, when people close to part for good or for some longer period, one can see the phantom of a loved one, followed by misses and remembers that every day. Here he flashed the crowd and waved to the other side of the road, sat in the outgoing transport, etc.
Until the end to find out what it was usually difficult enough, we convince ourselves that this is our only thought. But sometimes the resemblance is so striking, and we see the specter of a loved one so clearly - that the question be simply can not.
Quite often create their own phantoms of single women. They represent the next to each other or former husbands and lovers, or some created their image. The more often a woman does it, the more emotion invested in their fantasy, the more energy it creates a strong ghost next to him.
These phantoms are free to move on the heels of this woman and nurtured by its energy. And the worst thing that the creation of phantom power - men - one of the causes of loneliness of women. In fact, everything is just a male friend or just by sitting next to a woman instinctively felt that she was "busy" in her life the presence of men. As a result, they do not consider her as a future life partner!
Therefore, if you broke up with your favorite, try not to associate themselves and in their thoughts. Do not cling to old, try to convince myself that ended one phase of life and the beginning of another, happier.
Sometimes we surround ourselves with phantoms, fear, for example, a woman is afraid of old age. She often presents itself as an old, wrinkled, hunched and sick. And over time, this "old" starts edged dragged behind his owner, gradually poisoning her life, making it uncertain, energetically weak.
People are talking with a woman who can not understand why this young lady brings to them a melancholy and why being close to her they have her pity mixed with anxiety? Communication with such a woman is usually difficult, and for men it is incredibly boring and pessimistic special, well still be because it is located next to the phantom of the old and the sick woman!
If your life there are phantom fears, or the phantoms of your former lovers try as soon as possible get rid of them. To do this just imagine their own thoughts and force the melt to dissolve into the surrounding space.
But there are occasions when we have created phantoms can help implement his plan and "pull" in our lives right things. One woman dreamed of jewelry, but it was her, unfortunately, can not afford. Each time, look in the mirror, she represented on her neck beautiful gold necklace.
In this case, her thoughts were most positive, she did not complained to the fate that can not afford it. She repeated to herself that it already has, that does it on her neck! Once again, going to the store to admire the wonderful gizmos, she saw that the necklace write down, almost half price! Was the end of the year brought new decorations, and they decided to sell at a discount. Thus, the woman got what wanted at the price that was acceptable to her!
We are surrounded by many amazing things, some of them are phantoms. Our goal is not to get lost in this world of subtle energies and do not hurt yourself, the more we know about the different power entities, the better we can protect yourself from their negative manifestations.