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The very process of estimating the interlocutor is subjective, so errors, especially beginners, do happen. Physiognomy - this is an interesting area of expertise that relates personality traits with traits of appearance. Arguments it is not meaningless, and observations are often true. What can be read in any manual of its kind - both traits correlate with facial features - we shall not repeat. Suffice it to say that a man is, of course, are born with many traits and predispositions. But then he lives, gets experience, elaborates his views on life, get a profession.

We know that this information is known to many. And even as the facts that have been read, or in the form of a handbook, which we keep on hand in order to understand people. This information knows our subconscious, and even genetic memory, which contains a comparative analysis of many individuals and characters. Therefore, the errors that can occur only prove the rule. However, the absence of additional information sometimes produces distorted perceptions.

In the words of Sherlock Holmes, who, according to its creator, well versed in the people that the woman always powder your nose may mean that she wants to mislead you, but with the same success may simply be the result of the fact that yesterday she noticed a pimple on him. That is, knowledge of sign language can also fail. Many people cover their mouth with his hand, but it does not necessarily mean that a person tells a lie. He might have bad breath or not too good teeth. And now many people are learning aids on how to make a definite impression. There are people who have an innate gift of transformation - they are so "get used" in the role find a suitable time that expose them to the hypocrisy is quite difficult.
There is a fairly simple test, which are almost all psychologists in the learning process. Take the picture is completely neutral person, and a few fragmented groups are invited to assess the nature of the subject, based solely on external data. And each group are given little hints like "this person - the criminal," or "this person - a great preacher," or "this person - a prominent businessman." Typically, each group finds a set of facial features, confirming this statement.

 The "culprit" detect evil, cruel eyes, tightly compressed lips, pointing to the habit of keeping his mouth shut, "a resolute chin (this will make!"), Wrinkles on the forehead - a sign of deceit and cunning. Another group, believing that the pictures - the face of the scientist, will tell you that in the eyes of man, of course, shines great intelligence, his thin lips talk about focus and intelligent nature, prominent chin - a sure sign of great determination, and the wrinkles on his forehead indicates that scientists have a lot of hard thinking and ...

 What will the third group, I think - is understandable. It's not about what he said, and that the person in the photo is the same. This test, however, is not designed to identify opportunities physiognomy. It simply demonstrates the extent of our dependence on third-party opinions. Well, it's hard to man (even if it is even a future psychologist!) Completely ignore the stereotypes and to think objectively and impartially.

How could I be wrong? Do not mistake the one who lives there. And then, trust your instincts. It was she who whispered gives us the result of analytical work subconscious. The question is whether we are able to listen to her and how well developed our powers of observation.

But in everyday terms, this means one thing: Do not rush to conclusions. And another thing. With regard to family relationships, think can sometimes be worth a close eye on what you see, you lied. Wait, how events will develop further. Maybe the reason was innocent, and maybe your loved one will appreciate that you can understand it without explanation. Sometimes it is to be generous.
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