Pious lies
All people lie - it is a proven fact! But some do it correctly, so in the eyes of others look like interesting interlocutors. And there are those who lied relentlessly - and they become pathological liars, with whom nobody wants to talk. Men want a woman had been flirtatious, and flirt without some elements of fiction and fantasy is simply unthinkable! Of course, we encourage you to speak only one truth, but because women have always been associated with coquetry, but it is no lie - nothing!
Pious lies - this is when, instead of telling the truth about what happened to his T-shirt (you hate), you report that her washing machine jammed and iron specifically included at full capacity and has burnt a hole in it. True evil - is when instead of saying that you go with girlfriends to a club, you're lying, that my mother's lodge. The main thing - to find a "middle ground" and not to spoil relations with loved ones. Men always lie: telling about their success in fishing or hunting, reminiscing about his sexual adventures, listing your career accomplishments and familiarity with famous people, demonstrating their talents, etc.
But do all of this they are not to cause anyone harm. Their only desire is to create a good impression on those around the person. And the women are lying for a different reason - as a rule, they want to lie to cover up their real or perceived shortcomings, to hide the ends in the water, hide something, and obscure. It turns out that something like cosmetics - a beautiful lie a cover is not very nice actually.

Importantly - know when to stop. If you instead to meet up with his girlfriend (as said favorite), went on a business dinner with a colleague, a man all learned something relevant to you will change, though not for the better. "If she did not tell the truth, it means that something between them!" It is necessary to lie (if needed) is right and beautiful: "My dear, today was in a fancy restaurant with a colleague - to decide important questions about my last deal. You know, there's an excellent cuisine. Maybe go there tomorrow? Yegor (colleague) and his wife called us with you there. " While men believe in your credibility, all good. So try to keep him this confidence!
Do not invent flaws
Many women, knowing their weaknesses, convince yourself and all that they can not change. Also, they want to be seen for what they are. But this is incorrect behavior. Need to work on yourself, try to soften their negative qualities. Your man will thank you for this and also try to change for the better. If you're really happy with some "me" there is no need to change them, but if you think that this or that your qualities are a major obstacle in relations with the loved one, it's time to make some adjustments.
Convinced that with your weaknesses you can not fight, only deepen the conflict with a close friend. You yourself must decide. But in any case, you have to sacrifice something: the harmony of relationship with a partner or ingrained habits. If you want to actively engage themselves - act promptly. First of all, you should "get rid" of bias that would never be able to do a change. Spend a little test. Remember how often do you speak the following phrases: "I'm so, what is"; "I was always so" "I can not change," "This much I like it."
If you begin to notice for themselves, that in talking with people close to these expressions slip you often enough, you're likely to be imprisoned his own stubbornness. Important - stop using the phrase "I can not" as an argument to justify your inaction. Remove from your vocabulary words meaningless combinations that interfere with your self-esteem, preventing you change for the better.