Planning activities of the Child
We say: it is important to foster independence, responsibility, baby - the subject of its activities, work with children should take into account their own child's activity. However, other caregivers are so accustomed to think through, build and organize every minute of life of children in kindergarten that the hitherto written summaries of activities possible responses to children's issues counselor. Try to ask children in your group: "What now will be what will be after school?" - "I do not know." This is the truth. And this is a stumbling block. So, plan the activities of the child , we must first accept the fact that even a small, 2-3-year-old child can not be, and is subject to their own activities. He says to you about this, arguing and insisting: "I am myself!"
Firmly aware that a child has jurisdiction, he received by being born a man: act, move, communicate, be included in the group and leaving them to play. That is his right. To the right does not turn into anarchy and disorder can and should help your child plan his activities. Establish mandatory (especially for you), when you are together planning a whole day or just after sleep, or coming around the children's collective work. For example, it could be a Monday morning (morning joyful meetings) or the morning of each day before or after breakfast.

Briefly tell the children that you offer them: "Today we have two classes. On the drawing I will help you learn how to draw a bird. And in math, we will count to ten. " This is the first step, and only on employment. The second, and many others: "Consider and decide what you would yourself like to address today." Support the child, the first to express your idea: "Andrew decided to build a house. Where are you going to build it? What materials do you need? How do you start? Do your assistants? Who would you like to be invited to build with you? What do you charge Ilyusha? Etc.
It is important that children shape the image and sample planning. Do not forget about plans for children. Ask about the results, successes and failures. Should be included in planning for the entire group at once? This will depend on you, your children's groups and business, about which you want to talk.