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Planning marriage

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Planning marriage

Marriage - one of the most important events in the life of any woman. I am not talking about the the fair sex, who are just doing what dreaming about the wedding from the very tender age and for whom the question of marriage becomes crucial. In many respects they themselves robbed himself, denied the joys of normal life. But you, my readers, women are diversified and generally interesting person, you have the mass of hobbies, friends, in the end, you have a career. And yet, when your life appears he is the only and unique, most-most, the one you dreamed, etc. etc., he is immediately assigned to it the main place. So it should be, a modern woman can catch everything you want. Your relationship is rapidly evolving (or gradually, it is not so important), and at one point you realize that it is time to make a proud and independent friend and her husband.
When a person wants to acquire pets, it does not appear too much difficulty, the main thing - to make a choice. With the two-legged pets, the situation is more complicated. You have already made their choice, but just can not get a man on a special market (sorry, right?) Or borrow from friends. Your task - to diplomatically persuade a man to live together, to the stamp in the passport to a long and happy life in your society to the grave, ie, to marriage, civil or legal - it depends on your desires. So, the goal is set, it remains to find a means of achieving it. But before I reveal the secrets of getting into a great institution, where loving hearts are connected forever, or at least simply connected, and there - life will, I want to say about the importance of planning a marriage. Of course, when love is "descends suddenly, we are all ready to run down the aisle tomorrow, and it's understandable desire. But if you want to unite their lives forever, or at least for a sufficiently long period, you should think a little.

I know what I'm saying now, probably, the most banal and boring thing in the world, which has repeatedly voiced specifically for you mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, girlfriend, friend, and generally all and sundry. But if so many of the fair sex with one voice repeats it may be worthwhile to listen to them? Especially to those who are older, wiser, and already has such a priceless experience, as long-term cohabitation with another man. This does not mean that we should strive to seek out all sorts of shortcomings in the chosen one, armed with magnifying glasses such as fault-finding and bias. Just try to look at it more realistically.

Show him the benefits of family life

So, you're still adamant in their choice. I congratulate you that you have found happiness. However, before the appointed wedding day would be nice to get acquainted with the family of your men, of course, if you have such an opportunity. The fact that your favorite, albeit at a subconscious level, family life, you will translate into reality the model behavior, which he had seen in a family where I grew up. I did not call you refuse found happiness, just ask, what to expect in the future. Of course, if the prospective father-in your eyes drove his adored mistress in the eye, because ... What would be the future mother in law or has done, beating women is not in any way, so worth thinking about. Of course, I'm kidding, because in reality such a situation - an occasion for tears rather than laughter, but you understand my meaning. But here you have visited the parents of his potential husband, and decided that nothing really terrible in the future is expected. So what of this, if the future brings in-law to her husband slippers to the door, you have something to the contrary. In short, retreat and surrender without a fight, you do not intend, and now needs to know the beloved man about his intentions. How does it do to achieve a positive effect?

Do not worry, you have left a lot of ways to achieve success in this difficult matter. In addition, your potential husband loves you and wants you to become his beloved wife, he just is not aware of this report, and all sorts of wacky instincts interfere with him. All you have to have patience, to put pressure on him and that is called, chasing the horses is not worth it. In general terms, your goal may be defined as follows: need to demonstrate the proud and independent man, what benefits it receives from living as your "pet". And the show so that he wanted this life itself. What are the advantages? rather, in their ranking of one of the first places will freshest and delicious food.

Yes, everything revolves around this important topic. The dark instincts of the male representatives of the breed before the end defeat is impossible, so make them work for you. Remember, the way in which a well-known tale of Rudyard Kipling world's first woman to have tamed the Wild Dog of the Forest Sauvage and forced to serve themselves? She assured him of continued availability of excellent lamb bones for dinner. A small correction applied to our situation: the bone is not going to work, because the future of "pet" and so bored to death ravioli shop, office lunches and personally cooked eggs. And even if it is well prepared and generally cook by profession, still can not resist the wonderful homemade pies, flavored not only with minced meat, but your love, believe me.

Here we are with you and come to the second point: the care, kindness and warmth, and understanding, sympathy, support and admiration. These silk, yet strong network sooner or later come across any, even the most independent and free Wild Dog. Good idea to learn the habits and tastes of your pet and to behave accordingly. For example, if he likes to sleep a little longer weekend, we can hardly wake him shouts of joy and even a gentle kiss on the six in the morning, despite the fact that you are a lark. If he likes, say, green, of course, do not dramatically upgrade your entire wardrobe, as well as the interior of the alleged family nest for the benefit of this tone. However, at least some changes to make, even if you hate the color can not or will not he come.

Getting active hints

However, it often happens that such action is not enough. They certainly needed, but for the final design solutions in the soul of your beloved need to resort to using words. As we have already discussed, right here to say it is not recommended, so use the hints. It is very important to choose the right time and situation. It is understandable that starts a conversation on such topics are pointless when your beloved just came home from work very tired and savagely hungry. But then, when a man may eat and rest, if you can casually drop a hint about his nefarious plans for the forfeiture of his proud independence. He razomlevshy of quality food and warm your concern, it is usually relaxed.

In addition, two-legged "pets" in a position to understand the causal link between the hazards, and in his brain be making a conclusion, which consists in the fact that if he wants to receive these benefits all the time, it should relate to the life of a remarkable woman, who so kindly to him provides. Perhaps its not illuminate immediately, but now his mind will run in the right direction that you need. Also, the representatives of the male species is very developed herd instinct, so there may be links to examples of recent zhenivshihsya relatives and friends. Perhaps these facts of his whip, provided of course that he, as they say, matured.

 How does it define, you may ask, as a potential favorite silent as partisan? Indicators for each individual male individual, but we can derive some general observation. X-hour is coming when a potential pet starts to say "we", referring to a loved one and no less adored potential mistress. It was then possible to start active hints without fear of damaging your relationship. And I have no doubt that before long you will last and a very nice step in such matters as planning a marriage , - to appoint their wedding day. I think the best option for themselves you choose, and without my advice.

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