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Plants and witchcraft

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Plants and witchcraft

Plants have been and remain a major source of raw materials for modern pharmacology, as well as for traditional healing. In traditional healing is strictly adhered to the traditions and rules for collection of medicinal herbs, their preparation and methods of preparing dosage forms. Medicine and quackery has always been associated with the spiritual traditions of the people. For example, 6iyulya on Agrafena Globeflowers always gather herbs and roots for voodoo purposes, July 25 (Proclus, the great Rosa) lekarki-old woman collected the great healing dew of healing. According to their assurances, Proklova dew - the best means of prizora and the evil eye.

From multiple sources traced the tradition to collect medicinal herbs on Midsummer. From time immemorial to this day the night of Ivan Kupala is considered the best time of the year to collect medicinal herbs, flowers and roots. There are many beliefs about the miraculous events that took place in Ivanovo night with plants. Considered that the trees that night talking and even moving from place to place, and collected on this day herbs have special healing powers. Folk wisdom says that on the night of Midsummer herbs gain healing power, and who at midnight in the deep woods alone will find a once-blown fire fern flower, he will have the power of healing, the ability to search for treasures, to understand the language of animals and birds.

Fern, plucked on Midsummer Day, is able not only to drive away evil spirits, but also send healing properties of other herbs and flowers. Herbs, plucked at Kupala, preserve dried for a year until the next holiday of Ivan Kupala, and add gradually to all kinds of medicinal drugs.
Dew that falls in Kupala night, in the highest degree has life-giving and healing properties and informs them of wildflowers and grasses. This dew wash to drive away evil sickness and ailments.

According to popular belief, herbal medicines only and render effective assistance when would be disrupted in Ivanov night or at dawn of midsummer day - before obsohnet dew on them.

What plants exorcise and how to apply them correctly? For example, aspen, according to popular belief, it is not recommended to plant in his yard. It is best to plant it somewhere close and then it will become a powerful defensive tool. You can use aspen pegs, driving them into the ground near the threshold gate at the corners of the yard, and then the devil will not penetrate into your home, and all the trouble will bypass you party. But the oak clears a space around themselves. It is believed that in the oak grove can not happen witchcraft.
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