Play around with a man in the game ..
From a man to play. It tells you a man. If there is no desire or ability to be always and in all sincere - just play. We do not understand and do not feel as you do not want this. No man can bring a woman to clean water against her will. And in his head it will not come if you do not say in plain language. Men are too busy with themselves, their careers, their self-esteem and sex to get down to some truth. While it all happy, he and not to move a finger to check and be honest if you are with him. Yes it's head is not coming. I'm not talking about infidelity. (Although here we do not see beyond his nose.) I mean the game in kindness, attention, femininity, humility and so on. We will not check you and your feelings to figure out how much you are sincere with us.
All such attempts are known to fail. Even a fool stay. And apologies will be lifelong. You are much thinner, more sensitive, smarter, wiser ... We know this, and you know it. So we need to use that knowledge. Apply it in practice, rather than wag each other nerves. So play safely. Only desirable in those games, who love men. (Well, if you're worried about the result.) Games, who love men a lot. We are still not completely out of childhood. But there are three most favorite games. If you do not want to play them, nothing good relations will not work.
Play around with a man in the game "You're the best,"
Naturally you were male. No brainer, many people will be quite normal, and maybe even very positive. Not be ruled out that to someone you still feel sympathy. As Carlson used to say, the case everyday. But the man, who is currently talking with you all to know it is not necessary. He does not want. Prior to whine and twist legs. He is the only the best in bed (with the other you do not feel anything at all), the cutest, smartest, most skillful. And all this with a huge difference from previous ones. Yes their was a total nothing. Even talk funny. And anyway, you with him was lucky. Others too were not bad people (not men, namely human beings), but about them even now do not want to remember. (To say that the others were good people, it is necessary that he began to wonder, how can you speak about it later.)
And best of all these talks do not start. And certainly not in any way not to compare past and present (especially if the comparison is not in favor of the latter). Conversations like: "ex-husband, though a bastard, but the money earned at least - to every man act like a red rag to a bull. "So why the hell did you go with me, not him!" Answer like: "I love you, idiot" - the situation will only worsen. Men do not necessarily know that you love him. He is much more important to hear that he is better than others.
All the above applies to husbands and boyfriend's friends, colleagues at work, sellers in the meat department. We do not see the comparison and praise of other men as a tease or educational conversation. We just hate it. And go look for one that will play with us in the game "most-most." And you can go to her ex-husband or a colleague who does not have a bad habit of biting his nails.
"You are a leader"
" Suppose you behind three classes and courses for junior commanders, and I - Candidate crust. Nothing that I'm planning a family budget, but you can not own even go to the store. All this is nonsense. You still the most important in our tandem. And of course we will do as you said. Without question or doubt ... "
Such is the game. Men do not really need you to do everything he says. The main thing that you are periodically getting at attention. " Especially in public. Outward signs of your submission, and his statements are completely arranged. But disputes over trifles and swing right to make him constantly feel a fighter in the ring. From this, anyone get tired very soon.
The man normally takes when his right to leadership challenges another man. But when it is taken for a woman ... It is not humanly it. (In our course, opinion.) It is therefore desirable every time to emphasize that the universal right to decide the question remains for him. Leave him something global: let him decide for whom you will vote in the election, how you spend money if he suddenly ever win a million dollars in the lottery, what would be the subject of his brilliant novel, which he will ever need to write . Give him this, and can safely go about their business. He will play with it, like a kid with a new toy.
"Without you I would not cope"
Again this is simply to talk. Even if he was lying on the couch while you warm the balcony. (I know, like, contrary to his ear. But you can do without my books. I'm just telling what we like to play.) And we need it, not because this statement recognizes our superiority. So we feel necessary. Yeah, man - there are quite sentimental. And, too, wants to think he needed someone. Someone without it will not do. Without his stupid advice and curves hands. Well, we love the illusion! What to do about it ...
And this game is not limited to hozraboty. Success at work, a good buy dresses, happy resolution of the conflict with a girlfriend - anywhere "without you I would not have coped." You still, and the man is nice. He needed, he and quarterback earner, without which a normal life. And there should not be afraid to overdo it. On this ground a man, as a rule, not svineet the contrary, it tries to conform to this ideal. Just a little. And when you say: "No you're not confused, all have the most to do" - he, in his pokoposhivshis umishke comes to Nemudrenye conclusion: "If she's so quickly, why did I once again bother?" And now he lies on the couch with a completely clear conscience.
It is not forbidden, and to request any real help. Just so that he especially did not overwork. Absolutely helpless women we do not like. It's funny at first. And then fainting due to cut a finger begin to pall. Want to shove this invaluable, but too fragile cargo on another's shoulders. Well, the games we will return in later chapters. I have mentioned only the most necessary and most-loved men. I stress again - it's just the game. They need to play. What do you think of his mental faculties - your own business. If you want to save the relationship, saying that he wants to hear, not what you really think. Unless, of course, it does not apply to the fundamentally important things.
But check the men themselves for sincerity in the relationship is not necessary. We do not really love. Immediately start to get nervous and plants. Because I do not understand how a person can do to check. And why? Especially frustrating when tests are arranged by degrees. That is especially a man put in a situation where should manifest certain of its quality. Woman because nothing worth calling in the night and ask the man to come urgently, because it arose "terrible problem". And only in order to see how he responds to that request.
Such men do not forgive, even if out of the test with flying colors. Remember for a long time and stick to your tab that says: "Watch out - bitch!" And maybe next time when you really need help, he will think twenty times before agreeing. Most men love women who do not give them trouble. It is an axiom. We do not believe you are second-class citizens, believe me. Just did not want to spend my whole life, solving other people's problems and wiping other people's snot. Even if this is the problem and snot woman he loved. Life is one and only, and is useless for men to live it worst of all, this is what I wrote. What you can do something important, if all the time and effort spent on running around around a woman that only her calmly and lived well? There are, of course, and these men who believe the service lady the heart of the case in life. I feel sorry for them.
For most men, a woman - this is just part of life. For someone more important to someone - at least. It depends on many factors - and the nature and nurture, and IQ. Age means a lot. The younger man, the more he is willing to fuss around some of Madame or Mademoiselle. The older he gets, the more to the forefront of his own self-actualization. The case, which he does ... And if a woman delivers a lot of trouble, sometimes easier to get away from it.