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Play the male ego

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Play the male ego

You begin to notice that your favorite man or just a good friend lost interest in activities. He seemed to stop at one place, he stopped to strive for new heights, has become passive and dull. Persuasion and requests only worsen the situation. In this case - play the male ego ! You need to make a person protest, discontent itself, make him get the ball rolling. In the soul of every man wants to be the best always rise to the occasion, but life circumstances often violate these plans.

Try calling the man's thirst for action. Tell him about the achievements of your friend. For example: "I heard that Basil from a nearby porch a car bought new" or "One of my former classmate, incidentally, also an architect, found himself an excellent paying job at a prestigious commercial firm. In this kind of manipulation has its dangerous "pebbles". Your stories about the achievements of other people should not become a reproach, we should not compare the characters of your stories with someone who is in crisis, and the more reproach him for what he can not even get up off the couch, while other conquering career tops. Similar criticisms and notation can only cause irritation, but no desire to follow the good example.

In his stories did not exaggerate the significance of accomplishments, talk about them as though it all very real and accessible, is only slightly Prestressing. The purpose of such examples - do not cause depression and self-doubt, and a healthy competitive interest, the desire to check whether it is possible to be as successful. If you want to get the men desired, use the method "podkalyvaniya: jokingly ask them to do some work and then to doubt his abilities.
Your doubts will cause a man's desire to prove their worth, to show you all what he can do. For example, start the conversation about how they would like to see how your beloved will arrange repairs to the apartment, and then to doubt his ability to perform such a daunting task: "Well, I think you are definitely not under force." If your men are sufficiently developed self-esteem, such a mockery and a hint of his failure must cause him a protest and a desire to prove to you that he is able to make repairs.
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