Playing lesson "Circle" for autistic children
In the curative education have traditionally been used in rhythm games around. These classes have a positive effect on the state of children with various disabilities. Typically, group lessons begin with the fact that children and teachers get together and sit in a circle on chairs or on the floor to say hello and play. This is the first general lesson helps children engage in group day encourages them to be active, promotes communication.
Why do I need a circle? What problem it solved?
Playing lesson "Circle" for autistic children with a teacher can create emotional contact between adult and child. Meaningful connections with adults, not only expands the representation of the child about the world, but also changes its perception of itself. So begins the socialization process the child's adaptation to the world. However, it is impossible to imagine a process of socialization of the child without the experience of communicating with other children. In normal children of 2-3 years there is a need to communicate with each other, with age, this need increases. In communicating with peers child learns the rules of conduct, develop his emotional and volitional imitation activities.
Children with developmental disabilities set of mental functions and skills is formed with a delay, including communication skills. Therefore, a specially-organized environment in which the child can see other children begin to imitate them, learn how to interact, observe the rules of conduct. The playing lesson "Circle" for autistic children plays a significant role in working with children with communication disorders. At the time of the active participation of the child in his overall game experience arises unity with all the other members of the Circle. This experience is very important for the child, it is a powerful incentive for its further development. When a child assumes the role of leading in the game, he must take an action before the rest of the game and the next moment, watching as another child copes with this task. It helps him to understand himself, to feel their individuality.

For disinhibition children, with the field behavior circle becomes a support for the organization of their behavior, the formation of the stereotype of the group sessions. Children with low intrinsic activity is the emotional tone of rhythmic exercise, stimulate participation in common action.
Range contributes to:
- Enhance the visual and auditory attention;
- Stimulation of sensory development;
- Tactile stimulation of the child's interactions with others;
- The development of imitation;
- Developing the ability to switch attention, etc.
The circle can be used in group sessions for children with different disabilities. The content of the Circle, its course and the main thrust of games are always associated with the level of child's readiness to establish emotional contact with adults and other children.
How is the circle?
Organizing any work, so it is important to build on Wednesday that it has helped to solve developmental problems. Why does this lesson select the space of a circle? wants to chat traditionally sit in a circle. Circle - the ideal form of location of participants; it unites them. Everyone is equal, everyone - part of the whole. Limited space helps the child to concentrate. For sensitive to contact the child, it is important that there is no right to it directed treatment.
An important element of the environment is her emotional and sensory content.
To engage in selected games, containing a variety of sensory effects (including haptics). Emotional richness - a necessary condition for the Circle. Adults "infect" their children's emotions tend to always be in contact with them, keep them the pleasure of communicating. Organize attention and activity of children in the Circle of rhythm helps. He "wakes up" the child to the activity, activity. Autistic children, for which the communication situation is very tense, the rhythm makes it possible to first just to stay in it, and then begin to participate.
The content of the Circle
The main components of the Circle:
1) greeting;
2) rhythmic games with emotional contamination;
3) sensory play;
4) games on imitation;
5) play by the rules;
6) completion of the Circle.
The circle begins with a greeting. To help children to concentrate, you can light a candle and put it in the center of the circle. All join hands, they say together: "Good day" and then sing about everyone who came, repeating his name in unison. This helps your child feel like a member of the group. Children begin to pay attention to each other, enjoy the meeting. In a time of emotional lift activated their speech. End of the Circle should be noted the overall poem, a song or a brief announcement about upcoming events throughout the day.
Salutation and ending of the Circle did not vary from occupation to occupation, it allows the child to more easily join in the rhythm group lessons and a certain amount of time to maintain emotional contact with other children and adults.
Rhythm games - on a circle. They are the basic content of the Circle for Children at the early stage of training, and for children with severe developmental disabilities. The main goal - the emotional unity of children and adults, contamination of emotions. Adults telling poems, nursery rhymes, accompanied their simple actions (rocking, bending, clapping, etc.) and involving children in these movements.
Sensory play - an important component of the Circle. They help create a positive emotional background of the group, develop cognitive interest and sensory-motor activity of the child. You can send in a circle sounding or vibrating toy, bumps, sink with the noise of the sea ", bottles of scents, mirror, etc., to play with the sunbeams, flashlight, covered by a blanket together. Sensory games in the Circle can raise the emotional tone of the child and, importantly, allow him to see the emotional reaction of peers and adults present on the disk, therefore, develop its communication capabilities. Participation in these games helps him learn to wait their turn.
Games imitation. Imitation - a necessary step in the development of play the child. Typically, the child develops a set of such games at an early age, communicating with his mother. It is known to all , "Okay," "Forty-white-sided" and other simple finger play. Such games - an important part of communication and the beginning of the overall game with the parents and adults close to the child. These games are preparing the child to more complex games that require active engagement, learning game rules. In addition, they are absolutely necessary for speech development. Children with special development imitative games are given more difficult because they have difficult emotional contact with an adult, often lacking motor skills, disturbed sensory perception.
Role-playing by the rules. These games are aimed at active interaction between the children. They extend the communicative abilities of the child, help make up for lack of communication and emotional bonds with other children, who often have children with various disabilities. Playing in the Circle - a simplified version of the story-role-playing game in the conventional sense. She has a very simple, emotionally intense story, available for understanding the rules.