Plot for weight loss and a good figure
In the course of special training aimed at raising self-esteem and instilling the love of one's own body, one participant admitted that, despite all the efforts she made to accept and love those extra pounds that are in the form of fat was placed in her on hips, she can not. Response to her confession was the result, which is consonant with the basic postulates of karmic medicine - namely, those parts of the body that we can not accept, and are protected by our dislike of fatty deposits. Maybe this is the main reason that today, more than half of humanity is overweight.
Even the cactus can bloom!
If doctors and nutritionists in unison to recommend that all people with excess weight, learn to limit yourself to eat, then the karmic medicine specialists recommend revising their goals and get rid of unrealistic to wasting is not wasting any time, nor the power.
These recommendations largely concern is women, since they are characterized by the appearance of protection from his thoughts and desires. Quite often overweight occurs as the impossibility of making their own sexuality. It is characteristic of women questioned in the fact that they are appealing to members of the opposite sex. It is women who suffer from the fact that they see in themselves the necessary qualities to be cherished and loved. That fat should become a reliable protection from the disappointments in life and the justification of female passivity.
The only way out of this situation is love. Everyone can bring at least one example, when a familiar woman literally blossomed arising from the senses. In some ways it's like at the time of the appearance of a flower on a cactus, which is just a few hours turns from a thick nondescript plant, which is protected from the outside world a layer of thorns, the plant with fragrant flowers, of which it is difficult to look away.
The question immediately arises about the source of the sublime feeling. Not necessarily that they have been the object of the opposite sex. You can feel the love for nature, their bodies and children. This may be the love of God or a higher power that will unearth the harmony inside ourselves and find peace of mind. That's peace of mind can change your life for the better, to make it heal.
Magic of sexuality
To become sexual, you need to love your body. Of course, the best fall in love with your own image, but in the early stages simply perceive themselves without criticism.
There are two main ways that allow you to become a man for himself attractive sexually. You can either bring your body up by the alleged ideal of a balanced diet and regular exercise, or learn to love your body for what it is.
That is, you must either love yourself and accept, or to bring his body to such a form, which can fall in love. In fact, it is necessary to go in both directions, improving the body and boosting self-esteem. It is healthy and beautiful body is able to provide a healthy self-esteem.
Plot, which takes place in the bathroom
There is a conspiracy that may help achieve weight loss and a good figure. For the ritual, you must have black paper, roses of different colors in the number three, a glass of this cow's milk, holy water and a cross.
Before taking a bath you need to dial the hot water and put back a cross. When the bath is full, the cross should be removed, pour a glass of holy water and a glass of milk, as well as outline the petals of roses. During the water treatment needs to read the following plot:
You, water, listen to me!
Mutis not, do not boil,
but for me it!
Thou water, after the cross,
Make me to be slim!
Milk to nourish me,
rose caressed me,
So I was not thick,
nor thin, and smooth!
Water is drained from me lishok take away, under the black stone theca, there are a hundred years lie!
Once the water cools down, release the water, gather in black paper petals and thoroughly wash the surface of the bath. Petals should be buried under the roots of dead trees. This ritual should be performed three times in three consecutive new moon.