Plot from a child's illness
If an evil-to-child approached, but his power on it tries to begin a family conflict. Suddenly, for no apparent reason the child begins to contradict, argue, little kids just act up, and teenagers in another may be "express yourself" - cigarettes, alcohol, as if in defiance of their parents, and sometimes drugs. Deal with this are many ways, and to all the ways to attract what is at hand. And do not forget about the plot.
When the baby sleeps, go to his room and make a great cup of water. Water pre-type "live" - from the well or spring, or from the river scoop. Three times their child should cross so read plot:
("A Water-water that sea queen, you, water, praise. Chad, my servant of God (name), - health, physical and mental.
Spit three times over your left shoulder, cross and go to bed. Rise up in the morning before the child and his breakfast with this water charmed cook, even a spoonful of it, and add.