Plot of the heat
If the disease is accompanied by severe fever, then help yourself conspiracy. Take a white towel, pour into a bowl of water. Well, if someone from their home will bring you some water from a spring or river, or were you a reserve of water house hold - pure water by natural preserves, and many times better than tap water helps. Possible in ordinary water holy some water dripping from the temple.
How to pour the water, so the cross over her and the plot read:
Blessed lie, get up the cross. Coming out of the hut door. From the yard - the gate at the west side. Under the western side are the four Evangelists. First - Mark, the second - Luke, the third - Ivan Pyatitechy, fourth - Judas. Walking up to him and vzosvasti: "All you four Evangelists, come to the servant of God (name). Sima shedding from a servant of God (name) dashing Likhota, fever-lihomanku, komuhu, lapuhu, shaky, lomuchu, skorbuchu. I shake, shaky, shake-lomuchu, shake-skorbuchu. Herte her and take her and carried her and throw her into the fire and flames in the furnace kirpischatuyu in stone-serovik.
Towel in the water and soak the whole body wipe them thrice.