Plot on a larger salary at work
This plot in the old merchants have read over the keys, they locked up their shops. At the present time, the plot can be read over the keys to every room where you work and earn money. Then your income will increase many times.
Angels, Archangels, with the blessing of the Lord, Come, Holy Angels, Xun to sea with the golden key unlocks and fluctuated blue sea reveals podmorskie-underground treasures and zolotischa, wake, rolled up to my network money gold, silver and copper, gold for God, for detushek silver, copper for the poor orphans. To you, the angels, Thou the warm intercession and predstatelyam our lovingly resorted humbly pray: Pray for the Lord God, let your friendly prayers, His love for mankind as He may grant us (names) and piously quiet life in Weeze Sem pozhiti, but deliver us from the temptations of the devil and the temptations of the evil one and from the troubles and misfortunes, and from every evil on His Dread same court so granted us desnago state and the heirs of his kingdom of heaven so he will do, For blessed is most honorable and majestic name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.