Plot on the coastal sand for good luck all possible
For the execution of the plot you will need a stick or twig of a tree: pine, birch, oak can be. In no case do not take aspen tree is bad, Judah. It is necessary that you have never seen before. In the old conspiracy that worked early in the morning, the undisturbed water. So if you can arrange to be fine.
Go to the beach, stand at the water's edge so that you could write on the sand, or earth, or clay in the place where the inscription immediately wash water. Write your name and saying this:
In oditsa-water that give me a drink, give me wash servant of God (name). Beloved water-water that writing rituals, give feed the servant of God (name). Word of mouth to close, the name of the water wash off. Amen.
When the water wash away your name, go away without turning around, and bring a stick and hold for three days and three nights under the pillow. Then you can throw as well, he has served.