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Plot on the girls marriage

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Plot on the girl's marriage

If you do not have "the crown of celibacy, but you desperately unlucky in his personal life, you have no way to marry and establish a normal family, you will water, programmed for a happy marriage. This water to wash your face in the morning, before leaving the house. Also, this water can be added to cosmetics (perfumes, mascara), it is wetted with a comb, a handkerchief or clothing. Do not give anybody your stuff, sprinkled with this water! The amount of water - 0.5 liters.

Prayer for a happy marriage of Saints Peter and Fevronia

About velitsyi ugodnitsy God, and most admirable miracle workers pious prince and princess Fevronia Petra, the city of Murom predstateli and keepers, and all of us earnestly to the Lord molitvennitsy! To have recourse to you and you pray with the hope of a strong: bring for us sinners holy prayers to the Lord your God and ask for his goodness to us all blagopotrebnaya souls and bodies of our: faith of law, good hope, love, hypocrisy, piety moved, in good deleh prosperity, World umirenie, fruits of the earth, air, seasonable, souls and bodies health and eternal salvation. Ishodataystvuyte from the King of Heaven: His faithful servants, in grief and sorrow day and night cry to him, let him hear the cry mnogobolezny and yes izvedet from ruin our stomach. To seek the Church of the Holy and the whole power Rossiystey peace, tranquility and good order, and all of us a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Protect your homeland, hail Moore, and the entire Russian grads from all evil and all pravovernyya people to you and Coming moschem poklanyayuschiyasya, autumn gracious act enabling your prayers and petitions of all the good comply. It, workers of miracles saint! Do not despise our prayers with you unto the emotion, but the wake of us ever predstateli to the Lord And grant us Help yours holy everlasting salvation and the kingdom of heaven poluchiti unasledovati yea glorify ineffable kindness Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Trinity poklanyaemago God, for ever centuries. Amen.

Prayer for marriage
Oh, all-good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on that I loved you with all our soul and with all my heart and to perform all thy holy will. Manage the same myself, my God, my soul and filled my heart: I want to please you alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Keep me from pride and self-esteem: the mind, modesty and chastity, let me decorate. Idleness is contrary to you and generates flaws, give me desire for hard work, and bless my labors. Inasmuch as thy law enjoins people to live in honest wedlock, then bring me Holy Father, sanctified thee unto this title, not to please my lust, but to fulfill Thy purpose, as you said yourself: bad man to be alone and created a wife for him a helpmate, and blessed them to grow, multiply and populate the earth. Hear my humble prayer from the depths of the heart to Thee we ascribe devichyago, give me a spouse blagochestivago honorable and that we're in love with him and agree praised thee, Miloserdnago God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.
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