Plot on the successful completion of the case
People often fail, because they do not bring the case to the end. Many good initiatives bogged down by half. A force to finish the job, not enough. Many cheat is on chronic fatigue syndrome, mad rhythm of modern life. But the problem was with people at all times. Therefore, there was a special plot, which helps to tune in to what to bring to the end started, so that you are lucky, and no trouble has not occurred.
This plot is on the lump sugar. Take a piece of sugar, vodka drip on it, or fortified wine and say:
T ospod gave us grape vine, vine bore fruit sugar, fruit wine, the heart to joy, the joy of the soul, the body on the sweetness. My case came to the middle and the end comes, the fruit will bring. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Making this a conspiracy to midnight, then the sugar is left in the kitchen till the morning. Put a saucer of sugar on the window sill, the window at the same time leave open.