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Plot on the well being in the house

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Plot on the well-being in the house

Water, programmed on the welfare of the house, wash floors, wipe the dust, sprayed with bed linen, and windows sills. It can also be added to tea or juice. Prayer over the water, you can read everything (if you have time), or one by one. The amount of water - 10 liters (bucket).

Prayers for the well-being in the house

Voice of the Lord on the waters of crying, saying: Come, all ye Take the spirit of wisdom, the Spirit of Reason, the Spirit of the fear of God, yavlshagosya Christ. Taco saith the Lord: pocherpite water with joy from the source of salvation. And recheshi the day it is: to the Lord, and call his name and tell of the town of his glory: "Remember, O Thou ascended to his name. Sing the name of the Lord hath made Thou high: Declare And this all over the earth. Rejoice and have fun living in Zion, Thou Holy One of Israel went up in the midst of it.


Lord Jesus Christ, only begotten Son, sy in the bosom of Otchi, the true God, Istochniche life and immortality, Light from Light, having come into the world, hedgehog enlighten him, illuminating our thoughts to the Holy Spirit, and win us, the majesty and thanksgiving to Thee bringing about which is shed from the beginning of thy wondrous velikodeystviih and hedgehog in the past ages in thy salvation watching in nemzhe in our nemoschnoei impoverished odeyavsya mixing, and workers' actions snizshedy, Who is the king of all. More and slave arm in Jordan krestitisya hast undergone, but the water sanctified nature, the sinless, putesotvorishi us hedgehog water and the Spirit again in the birth and the first we ustroishi svobozhdeniyu: Whose the divine mysteries of remembrance celebrating, we pray Thee, O Lord of mankind, and upon us voskropi nedostoynyya Your servants, according to Thy divine promise, the water is pure, thy blagoutrobiya gift of hedgehog over the water shoyu petition us sinners, enabling byti Thy goodness and Thy blessing it, we are the same and all the faithful of Thy people darovatisya, to the glory of Thy holy and poklanyaemago name. For to Thee belong all glory, honor and worship, with Thy Father, and holy and good and life-giving your spirit, now and ever and ever and ever.
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