Plot on the woman's marriage
Start a family at any age. If you are over thirty (forty, fifty ...) but you're still lonely - do not despair! Helps you to water, over which a prayer Seraphim of Sarov. This saint - the patron of late marriages. When programming the water is good to have in front of an icon of St. Seraphim. Water should be consumed inside, spray her clothes and bed. The amount of water - from 1 liter.
Prayers of St. Seraphim, Sarov miracle worker
Prayer is the first
About prechudny Father Seraphim, the great Sarov chudotvorche, all seek refuge in You skoroposlushny pomoschniche! In the days of your lives no man of the Earth from your lean and inconsolable otide, but all in sweetness byst vision of your face and voice of words blagouvetlivy yours. For of this same gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of healing sick souls ample revealed Himself in you. When Thou also called upon the God of thee from earthly labors to the heavenly rest, nikolizhe Your love is simple to us, and you can not have your ischisliti miracles, multiplying, like a star of heaven: behold, all ends of the earth who didst cast lyudem yavlyaeshisya God and bestow them heal. Wherefore we vopiem thee: for pretihy and gentle ugodniche God, daring Him molitvenniche, nikolizhe prizyvayuschiya otrevayay thee, lift up on us blagomoschnuyu your prayer to the Lord of the Force, but also give us all blagopotrebnaya in this life and the whole soul to rescue useful, but will protect us from falling into sinful and true repentance teaches us, in the hedgehog bezpretknovenno we might enter into the eternal kingdom of heaven to where you are now in nezahodimey siyaeshi glory, and customs to sing to all the holy Trinity to the end of the century. Amen.
Prayer is the second
Oh great ugodniche God, holy and God-bearing Father, our Seraphim! Look down from the celestial glory on us, the humble and the weak, encumbered grehmi many, your asking for help and consolation. Prinikni us your blagoserdiem and Pomozov us the commandments of the Lord blameless sohranyati, the Orthodox faith firmly contain and repentance in our greseh hard prinositi God, in virtue hristianstem preuspevati grace and worthy of your byti about us molitvennago to God predstatelstva. She, svyatche God, hear us praying to you with faith and love, and do not despise us, requiring your intercession: now and in the hour of death didst cast Pomozov us atonement for us Pray from malicious slander the devil, but we do not have those power, but let's help was vouchsafed thy bliss nasledovati abode of Paradise. In Thee more now pin our hope, Father blagoserdy: wake us truly to salvation putevozhd and bring us to the unfading light of life eternal bogopriyatnym predstatelstvom yours at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, praise and sing with all the saints dostopoklanyaemoe Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for ever centuries. Amen.

Prayer is the third
On the reverend Father Seraphim! Lift up on me, servant of God (name), blagomoschnuyu your prayer to the Lord of Hosts, He may grant us all blagopotrebnaya in this life and the whole soul to rescue useful, but protect us from falling of sin and true repentance, so teach us in the hedgehog bezpretknovenno we might enter into the eternal kingdom of heaven to where you are now in nezahodimey siyaeshi glory, and customs to sing to all the holy Trinity for ever and ever.