Plots from alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling
Letters, letters come to me from across the country. People write asking for help, tell their stories, thank you, when they obtained the power of speech and thought his life changed for the better. Here is another letter you want to show.
When we talk about the disease, it is usually some kind of bodily affliction have in mind or soul. And there are diseases in which bodily and spiritual suffering together, and not only hurts the patient, but all his relatives.
Drunkenness from time immemorial considered terrible vice, pours a glass of man - and the way the devil for his soul opens. Because this disease is considered "demons" - whispers the devil, tempting, but not just so, and to imagine an innocent soul pocket. After drinking a man rejects God because with the gift of God - your body and soul of lasciviousness is doing. And then moving to the alcoholic demons and begin to torment his soul, and tear into pieces. Man loses mind, only a losing, and doing so starts to make that into a nightmare he does not have dreamed before.
And in our time to this grave ailment has been added, and drug addiction. The trouble is not less than the first, and maybe even more. Vodka because we did not expensive, but for a dose of man and the offense going, and yourself, and those who are near ruin.
In recent years, more human flaws appeared - gambling, money, or a computer that pull from real life, turning all into a soulless creature. And because even small children their lives are maimed, not only adults.
Therefore, self-realized the depth of the abyss in which it began to fall, all the forces needed to send it to stop and drop to the light to move back to start. And if its forces to man is not enough - the Lord always sends him to help her, the word will give a prayer, the image of the saint and the wisdom of folk incantation word will help force in this struggle to be strengthened.
And if people in the quagmire that is so caught up that self, even to begin to deal with its evils can not, then his neighbor must act, by all means pull it out. And here, too, prayers and ancient conspiracies - the best weapon against the forces of demons.
Worst of all, when a child enters the network diabolical - the soul of his young, immature, and he does not realize yet the gravity of sin. Here parents are doubly, triply power to make necessary, and to the Church of the Holy ask for help, and by constantly fight for your child.
Here is a letter I received recently from the mother of one, of his daughter, she says. I will bring you extracts from it.
"... The problems have started when Alice into the university. How is she, a smart girl, was able to connect with a company - still do not understand. Probably too much like her at independence, the adult self to feel independent from their parents ..
... Smoking start, and when her father chided, snorted, slammed the door and left.
... I was scared girlfriend is really - called and said: "I saw your Alice - as she passed me, not what is not said hello, and do not even recognize him. Looks like through me, and her eyes - as if the glass. ivsya company the same goes. A son pushes me and says: "Look, Mom, what ... obkurennye.
Then I grabbed his head and gave a friend advice - save a child on their own, but to act gradually, so that it does not scare and most of the parents did not push. And your book I brought, where I found something that should have been our family to help.
The first thing I went to church, confessed, received communion, liturgy for the health daughters ordered.
I learned from your book that the deliverance of the misery of all the icon of the Virgin asked "Inexhaustible Cup". And in these days of prayer for the salvation of drinkers were added prayers of intercession for drug addicts.
Then I was in the temple of prayer before this way and ordered a home bought himself an icon, and twice a day on his knees before it fell, and prayed for the salvation of his daughter read. Also, conspiracies do as you my friend advised.
And we won. The first days of my daughter some thoughtful walked. A week later, has become a training immediately return home.
Once I get home, and she sits and cries. I rushed to her - what happened? Says: on right now about the drug transfer was shown in who they become in a few years ... and - "Mom, I'm too tried!"
My heart sank. I asked cautiously:
-And now?
- No! Now no, I do not want and can not, when I think - so sick at once.
That is so - the power of the Lord, and word of incantation, and the love of my mother managed to save my little girl.
Thank you, Stephanie, is not whether your book - can not imagine what I would do. "
Conspiracy of alcoholism, drug abuse and addiction to the game
Need to gather all things human, which is prone to "diabolical disease, soak them in a bathtub. To water a simple must-add a few drops of a saint. And three times to read the plot:
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Hop and dope, withdraw from the slaves of Our Lady (the name) in the dark forest, where people do not go and horses do not wander, and the birds do not fly.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (2 times).
Hop and dope, get off at a fast water, where people do not ride, from the slaves of Our Lady (the name), hop and dope, come on violent winds, which winds for distance walking. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
After that, things are left in the half hour. Then it all, as usual - the press, dry them and stroked them. We look to people they always wore. Remember, the demons so easy a victim is not released. It sometimes happens that the patient can not even touch the things on which there is a particle of holy water. So you have to show cunning and patience.
Conspiracy-a prayer to the water from alcoholism and drug addiction
Need holy water (enough to drip a few drops of water, brought their church, in plain water to make it holy). Water was put before the icon of the Savior, baptized three times and read kratenkuyu prayer:
Lord, look mercifully upon Thy servant (name), prelschennago flattery belly and carnal joy, grant him know the sweetness of abstinence and fasting, and deriving from it the fruit of the spirit.
Then light a candle and read the second part of the prayer:
Save me, O Lord, have mercy on Thy servant (name) of the divine words of the Gospel of thy readable for the salvation of thy servant, so (name). Fall, Lord, turn all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, and may inspire them with Your grace, enlightening, Searing the whole person. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
This water must be added to all meals and drinks, which the patient cook.
Conspiracy of alcoholism
As a person goes to bathe, stand for the bathroom door and whispered incantation word read:
In the name of the Father and the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Father and the Holy Spirit! Hops and wine, go out for a quick water, where water people do not go, do not go from a servant of God (name). Hops and wine, come on violent wind, which wind at a range of walks.
"Living Water" from alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling
Take water from a spring or river, that is necessarily rough and fluid, which does not stand still. This water is poured into a cup and put up early this morning at the window. A couple of hours when water is fed by the sun, air, read over it a conspiracy:
You, the sky, you hear, you see, I want to do over the body servant of God (name). Body marynal, liver, Pezé, the stars you're clear, get off the bowl wedding. In my cup of water from the black styudentsa. Month, you're red, go down to my shed. And in my crate or bed, or tires. Sunny you freely, come up in my yard. And in my yard no people or animals. Star, you uymite servant of God (name), to pacify the wine. My word strong.
While a person is not home, all his goods, clothing, bedding with this water to sprinkle.
Prayer conspiracy wife to ward off her husband from drinking
This prayer-plotting for centuries wife read it, wishing their husbands rid of vices, but the family uderzhat.Soli sea in a saucer and pour over it read:
Holy Mother of God, I beg you. Help and deliver him, O Lord, from the great suffering of drinking-buyanstva and dissolute life and evil dreams. I beg you, holy Mother of God, unite us to eternal life. Put him (the name), Lord, to the heart (the names of all family members). Put your Lord, in his mouth (the names of all family members) and put the Lord, my image in the face of it. Amen. Lord, Jesus Christ, do not let do not let the enemy to our doorstep. Amen, Amen, Amen.
According to a few grains of salt each day adds to the food and drink to someone demons in his films have taken.
As always ward off the habit
It's a strong plot, but he demands from doing his considerable mental strength and courage. True, and the result gives excellent.
Take a piece of wax from the church take a candle, and go to the cemetery. There's a fresh grave to read the plot:
As the dead from the grave does not arise, Vienna green Nepeta, and you, a servant of God (name), do not drink either morning dawns, or at noon, nor day nor night, nor night.
Dead asleep, do not rise, neither eating nor drinking, eyes closed, the tomb is buried. As he does not want to drink, carouse, as he can not get out of the shroud, so let the servant of God (name) do not pet the wine is green, Braga, intoxicating beer foam. Amen.
Wax in the hands of the preheat and to hold the burial ground to at least some of the wax adhered.
Home, when sleep is near yours, which you from the trouble starts talking, the pieces of wax that vsheyte podgibku him in clothes that he wears most often. Sew, but the words say:
Zorya Zornitsa, red girl, the mother of the queen, radiant month clear, the stars, take my insomnia, bezdremonitsu, polunochnitsu middle of the night Come to me, even though the red devetsoy, although mainland queen and add it to me and I will bring to my accursed power and give me a hand Spassov. Virgin castle. My angel, archangel, my, save my soul, my heart. The enemy is Satan, give up on me. Cross baptized, cross fenced, cross angel appeal, cross the evil one was removed. In the name of the Father and the Holy Spirit. I know the holy banner.