Plots in order to properly build relationships with people
Conspiracy to gain trust
Before you go to the person whose trust you need to win, get a silk handkerchief and saying to him:
Believes the earth to the sun red, believes a clear night and the month, believes her lover's wife to her husband, believes the Church of Christ to God the One, the Christ is true, and I believe in the true God. So would I, servant of God (name), people believed. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Then put that handkerchief in his pocket. Repeat three times in the plot immediately prior to the meeting.
Conspiracy to avoid fraud
If you do not have confidence in our business partners, before meeting with them, go to any tree and rip off his branch with the words:
As this thread back to the tree is not strapped, and you, (name), I do not zamorochit. What's on your mind, then and in the language. Amen.
Put this thread in your pocket or briefcase. Prior to the talks quietly feel around this node, and repeat to yourself a plot. If, during negotiations, you imagined that your partner wants to cheat you, then again feel around this node. If your suspicions are correct, then coughed a partner, and will cough up until will not tell the truth.
Conspiracy to success in negotiations
Before the important negotiations take a pinch of salt, dissolve it in a glass of water, stand at the exit from the house of a person in the house, pour the water under the threshold and say:
Salt on the threshold, good luck to me in the ribs. Lord, come with me, I'm in my business benefits. Amen.
Keep in your pocket pinch of salt and a pinch of poppy. When the partner would say, quietly Feel poppy and salt - then you do not sovrut.
Ritual for success in negotiations
For this ritual you will need seven herbs, dried in the Trinity. On the day of the talks stand up before dawn, put the herbs on a plate and light from their candles. Herbs have much to smoke - for this little soak them. To grass is not extinguished, pour on a little saucer of medical alcohol. In the smoke from these herbs "wash hands" and say the prayer:
Christ is risen from the dead, death by death, and those in the tombs bestowing life! So are you, good luck, Sunday!
Sitting at the negotiating table with your left hand gently pull the corner over and barely audible voice, say:
Good luck, crawl me!
Plot on the approach to the boss
On the eve of how to go to the authorities by speaking on the silk thread:
Lord Jesus Christ, your help God with me. Holy Mother of God, without you nothing deetsya, not born. You helped me, bless my cause.
At this point, when slander, raise your right hand up.
Right hand, it is correct. Left hand case bold. The Lord is my defense, the Lord of the defense, Riza holy podvyazhusya. Amen.
Going to the authorities, wrap them with thread under clothing, as a belt.
Besides, take a handkerchief and say to him:
Helena, Emperor Constantine, you have faith in Christ claimed demons chased away. And as you listen to people so they could not disobey, so I would have listened, but could not disobey. And how do you praise and honor to make, so I would have paid homage. And as for you all to work, all carried the tribute, so to me and the awards were. Thou, O Lord, the true King, I am thy servant negligible, the force and help thy trust, Christ the true praise. Amen.
Then utrites this handkerchief, and look at his boss.
Entering the door, we must take up the door handle and say three times:
Torchish bracket, bracket silent, so silent and be my suprotivnik against me. Amen.
Conspiracy to prevent the machinations of rivals and enemies
One who is engaged in business, there are always competitors who by all means try to harm him. That they can not you do anything, you need time to neutralize their attempts to cause you harm. To do this, there are many ways.
1.Before the beginning of the case buy fresh fish, dressed her, salt, pepper and bake in the oven or stove. When the whiff of a broiled fish, saying a conspiracy:
Lord was a fisherman, fished, fish blessed, fed five thousand people. Fish said nothing, and my enemies will be silent. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Eat the fish themselves, and Bury the bones in the ground.
2.Chtoby all the detractors could not enchant your case, you need to go to the cemetery on Saturday, disrupting there are seven different herbs, dry them in the sun or in the oven. After that, grind herbs into a fine powder. Rubbing them, saying:
Grass wonderful, God's grass, grass Ivanskaya, defense, defense, enemies of the distillate. Amen.
After that pour the powder into a bag of linen. Fold this bag three times in half crosswise tie a red ribbon and kept in a vault, along with business papers.
3.Chtoby competitors you are not ahead, cook the jelly from apples and pears (you can get dried fruit). Treat this jelly all home. When the pudding will drink, tell me about yourself:
Kissel funeral, I thee commemorate all the relatives of the dead, that they were praying to God in me, foes have turned away from the road my shot down. Amen.
Balances pour jelly into a jar, at noon the next day charged to the cemetery and leave an abandoned tomb.