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Plots of boredom if thrown favorite

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Plots of boredom, if thrown favorite

In the will of the Lord of our life and death. Only to him to decide when to call for a man. Alas, we do not always able to come to terms with the fact that someone from our loved ones leave this world, even if aware that to eternal bliss went to his soul.

Again after the evening service, I stayed in the temple to pray in solitude. And when it came out, I noticed that no one I'm here - in that part of the church, where candles are lit, before the crucifixion for the salvation of souls was a Christian man. I remembered seeing him in the crowd of parishioners even before the start of the liturgy. How much time he spent here? Why? Heart, I felt sorrow for him some grievous. Came over and saw that his cheeks had tears running down, and in the eyes of the terrible anguish.

We chatted with him, and he said that his wife had recently died. Almost a month has passed, but he is not himself walks. So many years they lived in perfect harmony, but now with her death for him as if life was over. Does not understand - who needs it now, the children dispersed to different cities, friends, grandchildren, nurse, and he wanders around the house all day, longing, in the evenings at the temple comes, let's just no solace in the soul can not attain.

Well, I knew a tool that was supposed to help him.

Nick did all that I say: every evening prayers of the Theotokos read and conspiracy to water "molchalnuyu" did. Three days later comes to the temple for the service, I see - face brightened with him. Came up to me and thanks for your help.
Says: "Let me melancholy. I believe that my wife looks at me from heaven, and waiting for me worth the years, I was the scapegoat, here and would live to join it. Yes, but I will not hurry - and then I found the case. Son called yesterday and said - I have a grandson soon be born. Name to live with him, the baby nurse to help. So I'm leaving soon. "

This is how the Lord's life in industrialized widower ridden and got a job.
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