Plots of despondency and despair
And again we begin with the most important - with the return of the soul of joy, hope and confidence, reliance.
Came to me one day weeping young woman Sophia. And she began to ask for help from me, not for himself, for his younger brother. They soon left without parents and older sister, in essence, replaced the boy's mother. And now, looking at how it step by step closer to the abyss of no return, she lost her mind.
Everything started with the fact that Vladimir had lost his job. He was a good specialist, but the crisis will put everything in its own way. The firm went bankrupt, and the man fell under the cut. A couple of weeks left him a girl with whom he had met more than a year and really hoped that she would become his wife. When the young man tried to find support among his old friends, it turned out that they are all ears are mired in their own backyard - family, career ... Vladimir felt himself thrown out of life. And at some point he decided to leave this world.
Several packages of sleeping pills, "emergency", Emergency Medicine - Sofia could not without tears, remember this terrible day. After being discharged from the hospital, Vladimir was treated with psychotherapy. It seemed that he came to himself, though the work was not able to find, sitting at home. But Sophia saw that his brother really has changed: his eyes extinguished, he practically stopped smiling. Got up, ate, washed, went to bed - all somehow mechanical.
Increasingly, Sophie noticed that he did not immediately respond to her words, sometimes looking at her as if not at once can remember - anyone before him. And all attempts to talk on the souls ended the same: "I do not care. All useless. Nothing good in life and can not be. "
Of course, watching it every day, the woman began to seriously fear for the mental health of his brother and was afraid that at some point it all becomes indifferent to such an extent that he again attempts to commit suicide.
Yes, the situation was difficult but not hopeless. In such cases, aid is primarily need to ask of the Lord - the forces of soul and admonition, but it was impossible to Vladimir in this state, the church persuaded to go - he has lost faith entirely.
Then I learned Sophia, as she gradually act as a demonic force from the soul brother and ward off a little to light his turn.
Ten nights reading Sophia conspiracy over the sleeping brother. A week later, the changes have already begun. Vladimir himself suddenly at the breakfast conversation with my sister started. Sophia answered, but inside it has all cheered. And three days later she saw the evening - his brother is going somewhere. Says:
"You know, I was immediately invited for an interview, good company and good money like was promised, I'll go I'll go.
Sophia knew that she won - the words of prayer, but incantation averted disaster from his brother brought him back to life.
Conspiracy that the joy of living returns
Need to go to church and order Prayers for the health, there is a shop to buy ten candles. At night, waiting until the patient is asleep, to light one candle and quietly, almost to himself to say:
Month month! You go high and see far and deep you go and you see everywhere and everything. You're a month, walking through the fields, grasslands, forest, rivers, along the banks, on the seas. Take it all the pain of a servant of God of Vladimir and all its boredom, and longing, and sadness, and dispersed over the yellow sand. And carried the disease servant of God of Vladimir to where the birds did not fly, people do not go, the animals do not run up. There etoy pain etoy boredom, sadness etoy - to play and walk. O Lord, my Saviour dear, and the Virgin Mary Mara, take all the pain and the patient blood - from a servant of God of Vladimir, in his veins from his podzhilok, from his blood red and they went to him, O Lord, good health and good life.
So do ten nights in a row, each time igniting a new spark.
Conspiracy, if you suspect anyone of wanting to take his own life
Gaytanchik (rope, which are cross) in his new church or buy a chain for cross undergarments. Night in his right fist clamp so the house go out (you can open wide the window). Stand under the moon and such a conspiracy read:
I will, to bless, I'll go, crossed, I'll become the servant of God, pray, blessing, and go into the open field under a red sun, a light month, under the stars, under the flight of the cloud. I'll become the servant of God, in the open field on a flat area. What's on there on the throne on the Lord clothe clouds, sky cover, put a crown on the head - the sun is red, blond Belt zoryami, obtychusya bright stars that peeled arrows. Sky you, the sky, the righteous sun, you, the sky, you see, you, the sky, hear, bless God's slave (name on who speaks) is not sad - not grieve forever. Amen.
After you donate a chain or Gaitan what to whom began talking.
Conspiracy of mental anguish (depression)
Crossed three times and go to wash, it is best to wash from the river or spring, but if not possible, then Wash under running tap water, but a conspiracy, see:
Mother fast flowing river, about anything not think so. Rapid River, take on the servant of God (name) sadness, sorrow to sorrow, take it with you.
Beloved water will flow away, but grief, sadness wash.
Evening plots on healthy sleep calm
As the evening starts to get dark, so the street or exit to the balcony and say:
Mother afterglow how to hide a white light, and hide from God's slave (name), with a white body, with the zealous heart, with violent head.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
And after an evening bath or shower water spill, saying:
As the gray Utitsa on the Kalka does not hold water, so a servant of God (name), sadness, longing to zealously heart is not scored. In the name of the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thrice read this conspiracy, and three days in a row to repeat it, and no trouble will not prevent you from sleep. I also know that these two plots are sent special dreams with the answers to a disturbing question.
Conspiracy of sadness and depression
Go out into the woods or park, find a tree with a dry knots, finger pointing right arm around him stroke a yes says:
As a tree twig dries and anguish, sorrow - Sokhna, wither. In the blue veins srodu race did not happen now.
Banny plot from any mental illnesses
In the bathroom, preferably in the bath, pour into a bowl of water and over the plot read:
My angel, my guardian, my savior, my spasidushu and scrapie my heart. Enemy-Satan otshatnis from me, I have all three pages written. The first list - Jesus Christ himself, the other list - the Virgin, the third sheet - Antipas Iantipis-miracle-worker, prayer of Christ. Save, hand Fairest lock. Angel's call, and the devil away revoked. In heaven and on the tree, on a wide open field, on the ground walks on water flushing, the Mother of God, save me.
Water three times a crosshair. After the wash, dip in this water, and tell:
As this water washes away all the divine, so would all of the anguish I was always left. Amen.