Plots of witchcraft
These amulets, mostly, do not wear at all times. Since you are taking them only when going to meet a man who is suspected in the Sorcerer's impact on you, or if you decide to go to the practicing sorcerer.
However, I want to warn you: do not go to those who give in a newspaper ad! This is dangerous and threatens to yourself, and your wallet. You can run up just for crooks, but it is possible - and a madman or a rapist. A real hereditary healers, which very few ads about their services do not provide, fees they are not set, they were people come.
Go with a talisman of magic as well if you go to a wedding (especially on their own, but on others too) - at the wedding of people most vulnerable to evil forces.
Conspiracies-lore of the witch's influence
1.Nosite amulet is always with you - it saves you from the magic effects.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner! In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Mother of God, take me to the servant of God (name), any damage, any damage, and the evil thought. Take him back where he came from a yellow sand there, with the forest is dark, with a wind from the storm, with black eyes, with dashing men. Holy Mother of God, I beg you, beg you, take me from all evil for ever and ever. And all these words to words is a strong lock and key in the water. Amen.
2.Etot Ward take it with you, if you suspect someone in the Sorcerer's impact.
I'll become the servant of God (name), blessed, and I go, crossing himself, and go to the Mother of damp earth, sky cover, zoreyu Belt, the stars clear otychus, go out to the blue sea, blue sea of white-combustible stone lying on it the church God is. That church will come, the throne of worship, all the saints pray. She, the holy and righteous Saints! Pray for me, the servant of God (name), the Mother of God and our Lord Jesus Christ himself. And driving away my man Down and Out, a sorcerer, a heretic, and all pogubitelya. And pray for God's servant (name of the suspect in the damage) so he gave me the servant of God (name), witchcraft, black is not erected, and his life is not ruined. And then my words - the key and lock, and the whole castle of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen, Amen, Amen.
Nagovorennoe wine
Buy a bottle of wine, open it, throw in seven different items: a lump of salt, a lump of clay, of wood, stone white, needle, wool or silk thread and a piece of paper with the plot. Then tightly stoppered bottle ukuporte and Bury in the earth for 40 days. After 40 days, dig up a bottle open, pour the wine into a jug or jar. This wine should be stored in a dark place, and drink a sip every day. Conspiracy is as follows:
I will, bless, go, cross, go out into the open field, in an open field stream Currant, through her bridge Kalinov, on that bridge is going great martyr George himself, he keeps rutseh sword-spear sharp, rides, Ruban, drives away all my enemies. And with the heavenly bodies, the host of God in their hands lances da forks, knives, forks yes, yes pins needles. They prick, Ruban, all the evil was removed from me. What I said, do not tell, Hex is my take away, not guardian to separate. Amen.
Nakolite leaf with a conspiracy to hide the safety pin and a threshold of the house.
'm Burning, stab, the enemies of the distillation. Amen! Amen! Amen!
I cross sign, cross, baptism, cross opoyasuyusya, put a cross in advance, a cross behind him throw, crosses sides defending. Get thee hence, the devil on my life-giving Cross! Amen.
Attach a piece of paper with a guardian to his belt, and wear it for yourself.