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Plots of womens diseases

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Plots of women's diseases

What is the illness for a Christian? It is not only pain and sorrow, but also a test. Often the ailment is sent to man for his instruction on the right path. And do not grieve and need to mourn for the Lord and thank him for lessons, so look for those ways of getting rid of diseases that are pleasing to the Almighty.

After all, what any ailment according to God's people attend the degree of allowance, does not mean that God forbids a way to seek healing. Not without reason in Christianity, the traditional treatment developed prayer to the saints - to different in different afflictions. Yes, in the words of incantation people ages kopilis to help a person cope with physical infirmity. So, with the help of God and the people's wisdom any disease can win, even very heavy.

Let me tell you a story. Came to me ozhna woman. Her name was Olga. The truth will say, watch me on it was painful. His eyes dimmed, his shoulders drooped, as if they were a huge burden lies. So it turned out. Doctors put her terrifying diagnosis - a malignant tumor and has already begun to prepare her for surgery.

It all started with a simple ailment, then - the shots, tests, surveys, and the last conversation with the doctor confirmed the diagnosis. The doctors advised surgery. But one of her friends became discouraged, saying that he would find a good herbalist that can be cured without a scalpel. While Olga stubborn, as time passed. Doctors insisted on the operation, but are themselves afraid for the outcome - too much time was lost. Here Olga came to me. I, of course, its the first thing scolded. Though I am a believer and knows what is on earth wonders if the forces that can heal all ills, still in first place in the treatment put to the doctors. None of us no one knows where the show itself help of higher powers. It may be in medicine and in particular inspiration doctor. All methods have to try, but need to start with a proven, scientific. And in parallel, of course, you can resort to a conspiracy to result, and came to a miraculous deliverance from illness.
At my suggestion, and Olga went to church, confessed and took communion, prayer service ordered, home to the icon itself has brought, and every day, morning and evening before her prayers were read, and even in the evenings made a conspiracy to water.

When Olga from me leaving, I asked immediately after the operation to call me. She did not call, and she came with a huge bouquet. Yes, and it was itself not to learn - as if a heavy burden from her shoulders thrown off. All went well, the tumor was removed. Olga still had chemotherapy, but she believed that everything will be fine. And so it happened.
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