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Plots on the fulfillment of a wish

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Plots on the fulfillment of a wish

Appeal for help to the trees

If your desire is part of your destiny, and not someone else (for example, if you do not want someone else's husband or someone else's apartment), then it is necessarily true. Of course, do not want to find one million dollars (who knows what lies on the road), balance their needs with real possibilities. Remember that a bird of luck - it's tit!

Maria Semyonovna said: "Here she dishes, Il. Why would a person who in our village lives, such as car-Mercedes? According to our dirt on whether such a chase? Foolish desire, agreed. Or here's to you, citizen, what a pig and a cow? What do you do with them will become a host? But might want to fool something ... Or why a normal Russian peasant to marry a beautiful Hollywood? I had a case came to my neighbor, Lenka Chepurov, said: "You still can, do, that I married a woman Pomelo {This refers to Pamela Anderson.}" - And shows me the magazine. There exists a beautiful woman, it is clear that we do not, on the cover is removed. "And what do you do with it, then thou shalt, durian your head?" - I ask. And Lenka says: "So with any other women do, and with it I will." I told him and then replied: "That, and go to the women so that you match to nashenskim together to kartohu plant so the cattle walk. And throw out the stupidity of his bad head. Because if God wanted you to this half, and you would have lived if not for Tzilma River, but where is the woman Pomelo lives. Come and do business, but he throw out the magazine, that he did not embarrass you ". "And what Lenka? - Ask .- listens to you?" "Yes, as he did not obey that? It's a shame at first it was, of course. Yes, just realized quickly that it told him. And a month on Nienke Pacino married, now the first-born nurse. Maria Semyonovna - I asked .- Is it possible to live according to the proverb "every cricket thine own hearth? Surely there is nothing and to dare to wish that you did not put "?" "Why can not dare, but do not forget that all the will of God. And Wish desire strife - some of the daring do happen, and they can be fulfilled if the person is ready to work on their own implementation. And the other - pure folly and stupidity. And even then, Irina, we're with you every day, thank God, hochim something special, often are - that is achievable and we are in our position and status owed. Is that right? "" So, "- I agreed. "Well, if so, then there is nothing to grieve and zamoroki to anything. Everything will be as I want. Only the main thing - to not set one's bag for someone else's happiness. If you look at how your friend is living with her husband, all right, and you want to take her husband - will not bring you happiness is, even if you can breed them and get the man himself. And if you look at them, think of poradueshsya yes: and I would meet such a person to a century to live with it - do not grieve - it turns, you find your soul mate. And as in all things. The other pick what you want - will find only the anguish so sad. Like its no worse than humans, and you will have what you ask. "
We must take three twig brooms from three different, three branches from three different trees (with the exception of aspen and alder) and three rod from three different brooms. All this is connected with silk thread and saying this bouquet:

King Solomon lived, not tuzhil anything God did not ask, just wisdom, wisdom, God loved him for it, everything in the world award. So would I, servant of God (name), God loves, that wish has presented. Amen.

Then immediately blow this bunch on the pedestrian crossing and there leave. On the road and there and back you should not talk to anyone and look back, in the contrary case, the ritual will not work. This should be done on Sunday, during the growing moon, until sunset.

Appeal for help to the wind

If you really want something, then at sunset in windy weather, get off at the intersection (on foot, for example, in the park or the courtyard, where the intersect footpaths), face to the west (at sunset), throw a sharp movement of his right hand and said to himself, his desire.

Conspiracy to familiar in the request is not rejected

Before you enter the house of the person you want something to ask, you should take up the bracket door three times and say:

Sticks out, bracket, silent, hook, so be silent and a servant of God (name) from me!

And entering the house, look at the person who must satisfy your request, and mentally say:

I month, you're a star, a month stars orders, and I order you: Do what I bid, and not what you want. Amen.

Plot on the successful completion of the case

People often fail, because they do not bring the case to the end. Many good initiatives bogged down by half. A force, in order to finish the job, not enough. Many cheat is on chronic fatigue syndrome, mad rhythm of modern life. But the problem was with people at all times. Therefore, there was a special plot, which helps to tune in to what to bring to the end started, so that you are lucky, and no trouble has not occurred.

This plot is on the lump sugar. Take a piece of sugar, vodka drip on it, or fortified wine, and say:

The Lord gave us the grape vine, vine bore fruit sugar, fruit wine, the heart to joy, the joy of the soul, the body on the sweetness. My case came to the middle and the end comes, the fruit will bring. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Making this a conspiracy to midnight, then the sugar is left in the kitchen till the morning.

Put a saucer of sugar on the window sill, the window at the same time leave open.
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