Plots on the money
The water you water that God's helper. Techesh you from east to west, from heaven to earth. All watered, all the good you give, everything you drink all you like, all you goduyut, all you significantly. Fathers you saints in Baptism, children drink in the Annunciation, the old woman asked for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday. Mother water, God's helper, I'm sorry you're us, you help us. None of your drops, waves, and a lot of you in a sea of yes in the river, a brook, in the ocean, in a well in the key. Techesh you, not knowing rozdyhu, without interruption, without respite, without the edge and end, beyond time and beyond the day. Techesh you day and night, and Monday, and Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Thursday, and Friday, and Saturday, and in the light of Christ Sunday. You should have money flowing to me not knowing rozdyhu, without interruption, without respite, without the edge and end, beyond time and beyond the day, ran to me day and night, and Monday, and Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Thursday and Friday, and Saturday, and in the light of Christ Sunday. Amin close Amen wrap, amen fixed. Amen. Amen. Amen.
On the hill Siyanskoy Jordan River flows. Mother of God are above the river went, talked to the creek. Mother River, techesh you quickly and fiercely, the Gold Coast is washed off, the grass is washed, korenitsa rip off, so I wash off and rip off with the slaves of God (name) all the patterns and prizory, all the trouble and greed. Conserving its good, its gold-silver. Be my good neprikoslivo, neuroslivo, come to me, the handmaid of God (name), soon bezpopyatno, bezpovorotno. How not to go fish against the water, and gold against me go, go straight into my hands, at dawn, at night, on every day, every hour, a day in the sun, the night of the month, under the stars frequent, clear, a whole world of God. So my words key and lock, name of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, forever and ever Amen.