Plots on the unintentional meeting on the road
There are many signs, which warn you of impending trouble.
Going on the road, you should be especially attentive to them because, as you know, forewarned - is forearmed: knowing these signs, you are using simple rituals can protect yourself from potential problems.
Meeting with the cat
A black cat ran across the road - or rather not then good luck will not. However, note which side you ran across the road a black cat. A woman waiting for trouble if she ran across her path from left to right, a man - on the contrary, left to right. If the return is not possible and the road does not collapse, we can insure. To sign did not come true, we must take a stick, breaking it into two pieces and throw them in different directions - open road. Or middle finger of his right hand to put on the index (to cross your fingers) to wave three times in front of him and say:
Baptize three times, go away, plague!
Or, to turn over your left shoulder around and then you can continue your journey in the right direction. A cat can show modulo the left hand, crossing at the same time, right, and say:
Here's a shish, take and scram!
When I asked Mary Semyonovna exactly why the black cats is timid attitude, she explained to me that the witches in the night like it was transformed into black cats. Maria Semyonovna told me that one man in a distant village was once at midnight, followed by a black cat linked. And climbs, does not pass all pobolney strives to keep up to grab. Well, he grabbed her leg and even broke accidentally. I came home, went to sleep and wakes up in the morning - his wife is pale, groan - her hand was broken. So his wife and that was a witch, that a black cat at night, turn around. Of course, not all black cats - the witches, animals do not chose their color, but it is their God chose to warn people of impending troubles.
If a cat ran across the road in front of the machine, all of it sitting to be sure to wrap hats backwards. If the head does not put on, you need to put on his head a handkerchief, a piece of paper, whatever - and turn.
If a cat of any color {If the road ran across the tricolor cat - nothing bad. Three-colored cat brings good luck.} Ran across the road from left to right - wrong, we must look to the right three times, three times to knock on any wood and spit three times over his right shoulder. If it passed the road from right to left - nothing bad, but just in case we need three times to spit over your left shoulder.
Cat in the road not taken - the path will not be.
Meeting with the elk
If you pass the road elk (or will come on the road in front of your eyes), then you expect difficulties in the road (the car broke down, bursting wheel, if you're walking, turn up or erase the leg). In no case should one try to drive away the elk, zooming him, shouting to frighten and so on - troubles increase. We have to wait until the moose go (better to have it returned, and not crossed the road). After that (especially in the second case) to find the three stones and perekin'te them over your left shoulder with the words:
Go, elk, antlers Throw as new obzavedeshsya, so come back here.
Meeting with a rabbit
Hare crossing the road - the path will not be. In this case, you need three to outdo the left shoulder and say:
I do not have nothing to fear but fear God. Lord with me, and none of me. Amen.
And three times to show him after blowing both hands.
Meeting with the dead
If you're on the road, met the funeral procession, then try to go through with it at least a few steps. If this is not possible, then the cross and read the prayer of Jesus Christ:
Remember, O Lord, the soul of the deceased servant, forgive his sins voluntary and involuntary, help him get air ordeal and give him, O Lord, in Thy kingdom. Amen.
Then look in silence for a few seconds after the funeral procession, and can safely continue his journey.
Conspiracy to departure a loved one
After departing one of his relatives or friends must splash water every evening to pronounce, yet traveler will not return:
Lord, save and have mercy on Thy servant (name), and the way the Guardian angel he went. Lord, help him deliver him from disease, from sorrow, from pogubiteley and robbers. Save and Protect O Lord, Thy servant (name), all the way to. And returned home unscathed, undefiled, incorrupt. Amen.