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Plots to the way things went well

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Plots to the way things went well

On the road, people are always special life lived. And the people to him in another are not like home, and the Lord looks at it differently. "In the old days - told me Mary Semyonovna - to the holy places people always go on foot because the road cleanses the soul." By the holy places of pilgrims went to pray, so the way it was easy and accommodation - in every village. If a person does not respect the road, then on its way to all kinds of dangers lurk. Now we learn those rituals that will make your every trip easy and pleasant, and return - the joy.

Conspiracy to luck on the road

Going on the road, leaned her cheek against the door and whisper, say:

I wait back home call me!

How come were going, crossed herself three times and say:

Glory to thee, O Lord, for happy way, with the rapid vozvraschenitse!

And then everything will be okay.

Conspiracy before leaving the house

Before leaving the house say:

Bless the Lord, the road angel went myself for my watch!

And crossed himself. And stepping across the threshold, take a look and say:

Behind the threshold, before God.

Conspiracy of fear on the road

To the road nothing to be afraid, put a stone under the threshold. Take your first steps over. After that, we must take a stone and say:
Stone is not afraid of no rain, no wind, no heat, and I am the servant of God (name), in a way not afraid of anything. Amen.

Have to say three times, and remove a stone in a place where it does not take a step. Maria Semyonovna in the red corner was removed. This stone at it and now there is.
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