Podrastkovye Group
Naturally, in the presence of teen groups is nothing new. Thanks to groups or teams, children and adolescents from time immemorial, learned the basics of behavior in a clash with the realities of human existence. Already in the past century, the street thugs harassing a respectable burghers and disturb the towns and villages. "Because of street thugs ... in an entirely abnormal situation. Their amusements are no numbers, and each of their outrageous fun. Their whips their sound not only unceremoniously broke the silence, but often hurt the venerable citizens. If someone does not come to the sidelines, respectfully giving way to their hoops, they roll right under his feet. As a result, a passerby stumbles and falls to the ground under a wild hooting Prokaznikov. How many respectable ladies horrified at the sight of such a hoop rolling rapidly toward them.
Not a day that these podrastkovye group did not commit such hooliganism, like shooting darts and clay bullets, a crossbow, a homemade bow and blowpipe to any innocent servant girl. Top, apparently, invented only in order to prevent people from walks on the pavement, where it already has all the time staring at your feet so as not to fall into some pit. If you think about the passer does not pay attention to the top, rogues lash of his whip on his legs, but if a passerby comes upon him, from him otvyazhutsya until he acquires a new one. He who has no top, he amuses himself throwing stones, clods, etc., and in particular the desire to deliver a nuisance vehicles. No horse that has not tortured, not the coach of the passengers who do not make fun of.
To cross the street in front of a riding coach is a joke. When the driver at the same time, sharply pulling the reins, forcing the horses to stand on its hind legs, but the passengers sitting in the carriage, exclaiming in horror: "The unfortunate child fell under the wheels" - mischievous laugh and his comrades echoed his mocking laughter. Does such a phenomenon social roots? Sons of the poor was not among those who took advantage of the newly imported from India fireworks and missiles to inflict with nightfall shaped carousing in the streets.
They threw these sizzling sparks and throw toys right in the unsuspecting crowd of revelers ... or were aiming at the space between the horses, carrying a coach, scaring them and causing rush, up hill and down dale, or fell into the carriage, sitting with them dressed up ladies and gentlemen, resulting in a wig and tupei, skirts and velvet jackets in flames or the dress came in complete disrepair of hectic when trying to extinguish ogon.Bezbozhnaya company is mischievous freak out and do all meaningless pursuit, darting in all directions, and then disappearing from sight in alleys and doorways. This description of the "heroic deeds" of street thugs in Hamburg at 1741g. shows that groups of teenagers is nothing new. There are cases when the behavior of children's gang is so flagrant that, without intervention of the administration is not enough.
School as an arena of gang
In the presence of gangs is nothing new, but the arena of juvenile gangs has changed address. If the earlier place of teenage groups were usually outside of school, outside, today's teens tend to experience a sense of group membership in the walls of the school. Streets, forests, parish cemetery, gardens or abandoned factory buildings have lost their appeal - podrastkovye group chosen as the arena of its activities the school building, classroom or place where children come in times of change. That's what makes today's high school in a place of violence and aggression. The reasons for this are different.
As the first of them are increasing the educational qualifications, so that education is paired with many risks. Pitfalls in the child on the street in connection with the movement of public transport, make us now demand that their children respect all pedestrian rules. They should walk on the sidewalk, cross the street, waiting for the green light, in any case not to cross the roadway at a red light and before starting to cross the street, look around. Child understands the rules of adaptation, substantially reduce the likelihood of an accident. For the majority of students mastering the rules to prevent the dangers of it on the street, it is not much difficulty, and they behave cautiously.
Since the prospect of being under the car does not seem attractive to them, they are subject to the requirements of adults and traffic police. As a result, they behave the way to school quite responsibly. To take the road to school, you need to take some effort. Unfortunately, the requirement to comply with traffic regulations is not without negative aspects - the way the school loses the character of the unpredictability and poluhaoticheskoy atmosphere. There is no space walk, razgulivaniyu, bustle, fuss and tricks. The path to the school denied aspects of search. Children themselves are returned directly to your home or bring back their parents and as a result have almost no opportunities to contact and communicate with other children. The path to school is very seldom in the field of the gang. When a child goes home, accompanied by the patrol, knowing that there will be ten minutes, the chances of teenage groups are zero.
Another reason for the displacement arena of gangs is to humanize the atmosphere of school life. Just a few decades separate us from the time when the school holds institutions to whom the disciples trembled. For most children, school, if any, of its visit, was the site of drill, prosizhivaniya pants, beatings and cramming. Students not given to know, what will the reaction of teachers on their actions and whether they will be punished, excluded from school or become a victim of teacher discretion. In the eyes of school students were often present the likeness of hell, inspiring respect for themselves through the drill, penalties and arbitrariness.
Finally, the displacement of the territory of group activity is due to a decrease in the number of children in our society. Since, on the one hand, the number of children in each family has decreased and the proportion of adults in the general population is increasing, due to declining fertility, increasing life expectancy and improving the living conditions of the child - an increasingly rare visitor in our world. On the street, in shops and public places children constitute a distinct minority. Mark of our existence is not child's cry, or playful running girls and boys, and rhythm of calm adults. Children leave public life, unable to resist the sheer dominance of adults. They set aside a special reserve - the playground. However, since the latter are under constant control mothers, a playground, too, are usually of little use for the group.