Position of the moon in the VI house:
A favorable aspect to the Sun: not too serious health complications. Satisfaction that the performance of their duties, when the subject occupies a subordinate position, the satisfaction of employees. Slight recovery in the event of sickness.
Unfavorable aspect to the Sun: the weakening of vitality. Failing health. Subordinate position that does not bear a subject of satisfaction. Troubles with his subordinates.
Favorable aspect with Mercury: a very fruitful work of the subject when it occupies a subordinate position, or has taken a personal initiative, success in laboratory studies related to medicine, chemistry. Minor neurological disorders.
Unfavorable aspect with Mercury: fatigue of the nerve centers and the brain. Quarrel with the servants.
A favorable aspect to Venus: protects the work to other people. Subject happy servants. Patronage during the disease.
Unfavorable aspect to Venus: venereal disease. Sensual relationship with a woman who occupies a lower social status. The work is not bringing almost no satisfaction.
A favorable aspect to Mars: well-paid job. Slight recovery in cases where debilitating. Sudden, painful and, at the same time, quickly passing the disease,
Unfavorable aspect with Mars, quarrels with subordinates. Severely failing health. Febrile painful condition. The threat of surgery.
A favorable aspect to Jupiter: the servants bring the subject of satisfaction. Protector of health. Sewn in the case of any disease caused by Jupiter.
Unfavorable aspect with Jupiter: liver disease, digestive disorders. Trouble with the servants or subordinates.
A favorable aspect to Saturn: success in a managerial position. Chronic health disorders, in accord with the zodiac sign.
Unfavorable aspect with Saturn: heavy, does not bring satisfaction, no future work in a subordinate position. Severely failing health. A long illness, in accordance with the sign.
A favorable aspect to Uranus: success in occupations related to Uranus (inventions, electricity and various kinds of application).
Unfavorable aspect to Uranus: nervous disorders, spasms. Difficulties in determining the disease. Violations of the arterial circulation. Difficulties in relations with subordinates.
A favorable aspect to Neptune: Limits usloviyav paper subject. Poor health.
Unfavorable aspect to Neptune: a mental illness. Neurasthenia, insanity. Trouble, in which blame the servants.