Position of the moon in the house II:
A favorable aspect to the Sun: lunar month, favorable to the interests, profits, achieved through personal action. Development of financial affairs. The increase in profits. Unfavorable aspect to the Sun: money troubles, a big loss. One should beware of immoderate aspirations.
Favorable aspect with Mercury: it contributes to gains achieved through trading, securities. Be beneficial, but most current than significant. Unfavorable aspect with Mercury: profit gained through fraud. Losses due to theft or fraud.
A favorable aspect to Venus: profit through the use of love affairs, trade in luxury goods, or art, through artistic activities. Unfavorable aspect to Venus: the cost. The influence of women is not conducive to the preservation of profits. Failures in the arts, in occupations associated with luxury decorations.
A favorable aspect to Mars: good for enterprise, sources of profit. Resumed activities, increase financial success. Unfavorable aspect to Mars: earnings, followed by losses. Imprudence, carelessness in expenditure. Failure in speculation.
A favorable aspect to Jupiter: blooming lunar month. The increase in profits. Companies that have provided financial support. Acquisition of property. Improving the financial situation. Unfavorable with Jupiter: speculation or businesses that are harmful to the interests of the subject. Losing money. Unreliability of the acquired assets.
A favorable aspect to Saturn: the slow but reliable implementation of some interest in affairs. In the management of financial assets need to be careful. Unfavorable aspect with Saturn: fatal cases for the delay. Critical moment. Difficult situation with the money.
A favorable aspect to Uranus: the alternation of profits and losses. Implement plans through quick and decisive action. In money matters need to be careful. Unfavorable to Uranus: suddenly arisen financial difficulties. Big losses. Lack of prudence in complying with their interests.
A favorable aspect to Neptune: profits derived from a happy inspiration, psychic ability, spiritual experience. Adverse Neptune: the time of total collapse. Mysterious loss. Lack of skills in managing money matters.