Position of the moon in the house of V:
A favorable aspect to the Sun: the protector of speculation, the satisfaction of sensual impulses, studies related to the ability to behave in society, training, performance of public functions. Good luck in the lottery.
Unfavorable aspect to the Sun: unsuccessful speculation. Harmful to children. Infertility. Trouble in the classroom, coupled with the public.
Favorable aspect with Mercury: patronizes situations with regard to places of entertainment: that is, theaters, learning to sing and dance. Realizability of financial speculation. Feelings based on reason.
Unfavorable aspect with Mercury: disappointment, deception in love and affection of the subject, the cause of whom are children or friendships. Unsuccessful speculation.
A favorable aspect to Venus: the time favorable for love, gamble, art classes. Promise to posterity, if Venus-Moon are in a sign of fertility.
Unfavorable aspect to Venus: an unstable sense of communication. Risk of complications caused by a kind of a bad relationship.
A favorable aspect to Mars: unreasonable connection that can be easily implemented. Protector of speculation, if being in this house has good aspects of Mars.
Unfavorable aspect to Mars: the female map period, very poor in terms of feelings. Completion of pregnancy (childbirth) is dangerous to the subject. Care, snizannye with children. Losses in speculation.
A favorable aspect to Jupiter: the lunar month, a good for speculation and lottery. Profits derived by an entity through social activities (teaching, banking, theaters). Connection that provides financial support to the subject.
Unfavorable aspect with Jupiter: infidelity on the part of a loved one. Disappointment and loss in the game, speculation, risky ventures, public-spirited person regarding employment.
A favorable aspect to Saturn: a reliable premise percent from the capital. Period, not very favorable for motherhood.
Unfavorable aspect with Saturn: barriers in meeting the cardiac impulse. Infertility. Taking care of children. Threat to their life forces. Catastrophic losses in speculation.
A favorable aspect to Uranus: Unexpected for the subject, too hasty and secret sensual connection. Risky speculation that part will bring him satisfaction.
Unfavorable aspect to Uranus: sudden discontinuities. Tests related to the senses. Sudden loss of money for speculation. Childcare.
A favorable aspect to Neptune: a period favorable for children. Success in occupations related to music and theater. Sensual, platonic meeting.
Unfavorable aspect to Neptune: infidelity in love. Imprudence in her feelings. Obstacles in the implementation of sensory impulses.