Position of the moon in the house of XI:
A favorable aspect to the Sun: Hope Come True with the support of influential persons with whom connected entity. Friendship with the people who occupy high social positions.
Unfavorable aspect to the Sun: frustration that is associated with too much ambition. Trouble caused by social or friendly relations with persons, more influential than the subject.
Favorable aspect with Mercury: multiple connections with people. Period favorable for the establishment of such ties.
Unfavorable aspect with Mercury: Friendship can not be called strong, support is unreliable. Quarrels, slander, criticism from friends.
A favorable aspect to Venus: support and loyalty of friends, especially when Venus has good aspects. Communication with people other than those sentimental, or acquaintances in an artistic environment.
Unfavorable aspect to Venus: bad, not too serious communication. During the lunar month does not need to hope for something which is relevant to the case.
A favorable aspect to Mars: favors acquiring new friends - enthusiastic, leading up to the end. Satisfied ambition, hope, success.
Unfavorable aspect to Mars: quarrels, conflicts with friends. Unfulfilled expectations for support.
A favorable aspect to Jupiter: happy for the subject of intervention influential and wealthy friends. Time, suitable for exploring the ready to help people for acts of this kind.
Unfavorable aspect with Jupiter: unfounded, unfeasible hopes to receive support. It is necessary only for themselves.
A favorable aspect to Saturn: a strong friendship with people of advanced age.
Unfavorable aspect to Saturn: the subject must be wary of bonds or aid, which, in essence, more selfish than sincere. Friends become ill-wishers.
A favorable aspect to Uranus: Unexpected establishing relationships with people, is original thinking.
Unfavorable aspect to Uranus: a sharp break with friends. The sudden collapse of hopes. Troubles are caused by friends,
A favorable aspect to Neptune: the establishment of an ideal relationship in full compliance submitted subject of friendship. Rendered assistance to the subject.
Unfavorable aspect to Neptune: frustration that bring people caught insincere. Weak ties. Deceptions. There is no point in trying to achieve something that has to do with the nature of the home.