Position of tree houses in relation to home birth chart
Every house with a can be interpreted in their relationships with birth chart, this gives innumerable directions. For a full analysis of all positions must possess some practical experience, so beginners can advise only the imposition of homes containing the planet, because otherwise they will simply fade into the array of possible configurations. The planets usually contribute to the manifestation of all that is associated with imposing houses it facilitates the exploration and control, but inconspicuous, even the most insignificant facts often enclosed in the relationship between buildings and houses yearly birthday cards.
When the house is superimposed on the CO 2 houses of birth chart, you connect the reference to all three houses, preferring one that is on the cusp (about 5 degrees). For example, II-year house lies between 7 grad.51 min. to 29 deg. 21 min. Twins, and takes VI and VII of the home birth chart, while the cusp of the latter have to home in 18 minutes grad.19. Twins, preference should be given the directions given cusp II and VI of the houses. But if the VII house birth chart begins on 3-4th degrees cusp, the previous overlay can be neglected. The proposed list can serve as a reminder for the interpretation of these positions, but do not have to follow his instructions literally, in each case they may be somewhat modified in connection with the planetary and zodiacal influences.