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Power of Positive Thinking

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Power of Positive Thinking

Just want to boldly state that success is easy, once believe in him and themselves. If Naomi Campbell at the age of fourteen itself barred the way to deciding that blacks can not get into the global business model - how do you think it would be the first black fashion icon appearing in the top five top models of the world? If Eminem began his career would be plunged into despair, because that, being white, it is difficult to succeed in the rap - he would become the first white, receiving many enviable awards in this musical direction, count to him exclusively African-American? The answers are obvious, is not it? Power of Positive Thinking is enormous!

Teach your child every day to repeat a single word. "Easy!" And that word will attract ease in all of his childhood and later adult endeavors. And why, indeed, be difficult? Really? You yourself must have noticed that if your hair is bald "light hand" stylist, they grow faster. And if over your hair conjured a heavy hand, the length of hair is added almost on a millimeter a year. Encourage your child to positive thinking, and teach him sift through all the doubts and fears on the path to success and transform them into confidence. As written by a master of Feng Shui, Karen Kingston: "I have long realized that nothing can harm you, if we do not have anything that would be attracted to it. Sometimes, though, that you do open the door for these situations, consciously or unconsciously. " One of my favorite sayings Porfiry Ivanov about the same: "What are you afraid - and then get". Yes, doubts and phobias - is a path in the swamp, illuminated by fireflies. On them in your life can penetrate failure. This is some magnets, unconsciously attracting all the negative and "gray-brown-raspberry" in your personal space. It's like seeing an imaginary barrier through which, without noticing it, easily passes Ivanushka fool.

Remember the adage: "The trouble comes alone." "And why is this happening? Why happiness and misfortune, success and failure is not distributed equally? "- Often ask me, readers and listeners seminars. They cite many examples of people struck by lightning failures, somehow loses a degree of immunity and a failure attracts another. "The spoon of tar spoils a barrel of honey." Why do so many great leaders and wealthy leaders relentlessly and rigidly fired and laid off even the most intelligent officer, if he breaks down the collective pessimism and disbelief in their success? The genius of real estate transactions Donald Trump advises: "Take care of your own time and type of the best people, which only can be found."
Why dogs are more likely snatch it at the people who are afraid of them? Why, writes Louise Hay unsurpassed, most AIDS-sick people who are most afraid of? The answer to these different "why" is the fact that fear is an amazing and very clear ability to attract exactly what you are afraid. Triggered cravings like to like. Fortunately, the converse is also true - the courage and perseverance are often amazing ability to bring joy, happiness, money, win and laugh. Do you know what question I asked in the first place, when I touch upon the theme of children, wherever I perform? "How can we protect the child from the evil eye?"

Of course, for those who are not confident, more precisely, that you and only you, are responsible for their destiny and lives of your children, there are many ways. This, for example, attaching a pin-head down the inside of the garment in front of the navel or heart. In this case, it must be said: "Castle closable. Its takin '. You can hang the "Turkish-eye, or mahalku from the horse's tail over the crib of the child. Helps a bath with one kilogram of sea salt. But even if you use the above methods of protection and you still will feel the fear of evil eye, I mean your actions are not secured by faith, then no super-duper attributes will not help you. Under a still stone gathers no moss.

Life is changeable

From happiness to grief just one step! Today you have a deputy, and tomorrow - the unemployed. Today you have a dollar millionaire, tomorrow you're poor. Today you have an oil tycoon, tomorrow - million debt. Remember how Donald Trump, who, seeing the homeless, admitted that he was richer than him for a million dollars because it has no debt, Aristotle Onassis, Walt Disney managed to get out of total bankruptcy. How do they do it? Only the courage helped them to rise again on the podium of big business. Of course, there are situations from which no one is immune, for example, earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters, terrorist attacks, fires, etc. But these are isolated and not widespread cases. And born to burn - you never sink.

Help to remove fears and all sorts of affirmations, visualization or prayer. For example, I heard that it is helping to protect yourself from negative energy in the following words: "My face - the veil of divine love. It has no blemish. It is fresher than a baby's skin and the radiance of youth and beauty fills my whole being! "And here's another way. It is especially useful after you have communicated with the negative person. For this dive head first into the bathroom, literally dive. Attention! At this point you need to open the bathroom gag and visualize that all the negative things going with you. Then take a cool shower and say three times: "Sleysya, water, with Snezhanochki (your name here) and all the skinny!"

Natural fear laid into us genetically, it is survival instinct. But the fear must be healthy, not a fanatic. Learn to control your fear, until he began to control you. There is a perception that if you want to overcome your fear, you will need to meet with him face to face. Many people it has tested on himself. Anyone who warned - that is armed. For example, if you already know that unpleasant encounter is inevitable, then scroll to advance in my head this upcoming scary moment. You'll find that eventually survive this.

By the way, I am very impressed with the idea that we should not educate children strictly and delicately with them. Between these approaches is a significant difference. It is important to realize that parents' actions in no way should be dictated by the slogan "you must." After all, even when the adult is saying, he at once there is internal hostility, defensive, repelling reaction. This is quite natural. Because in your subconscious mind stores all the memories of distant childhood, is blocked. Conclusion? Should be replaced by the installation of "thou shalt" to "you could." When it is installed on "could", the child realizes that he has the freedom, the right choice that nobody on it is no pressure. It is always a positive influence on the outcome. Try it and see for yourself.

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