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Power of Thought

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Power of Thought

If you - one of the lucky ones who totally happy with his half, then you can stop reading. Just be honest with yourself and try to make my life perfect. If you ever ask yourself why your life is going well, and not otherwise, your communication with me a few runs. Few of us ever wondered what is the meaning of their lives. When all is well, when life is rolling on the thumb track, we are engaged in daily affairs. But when life breaks, when there is stress, and relationships crumble, people can not help but think about it. The benefits of positive thinking written by a great many volumes. And I believe them. Negative thoughts have a devastating effect on the person. Sometimes we go can not change the circumstances in which there were. Much of our life is predetermined by fate, but a lot depends on us.

All we have often read about how people cope with seemingly insurmountable circumstances. Douglas Bader was a great pilot, but in a plane crash lost both legs. It happened in a fairly young age, and seemed to be the way to heaven it is closed. But he managed to overcome everything and became a great ace of World War II. He did not possess such strength of spirit, he would end his days in a wheelchair, to resign himself to his share.

Sometimes everyday worries seem to us a heavy load. We go up, go to work, eat and sleep, and every new day seems to us last. Sometimes on the horizon, there is something new. And we are able to change their lives. We may well make any changes - even minor, though significant. Only need this very wish. "Think about what you can and what you want, think hard, and then your wish will come true" - this line from one book I remember for a lifetime. We must bring happiness to their lives. I really like the one saying: "Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep - and you cry alone." If we project its status to others, then we get an adequate response. If we are able to smile, even for this we have to exert some effort, we will begin to attract into your life happy people, and happiness of those who does not feel too good.
I have another theory. I believe that we can always tell a friend to man: "I am so sorry that you're in trouble." And people will answer you: "How did you hear?" or "Thank you for your support." In the life of each person into trouble. Some keep them in yourself that no one guessed that they suffer. This particularly applies to water marks: cancers, Scorpio and Pisces. None of us is alone in his misery - they can and should be shared. All of us from time to time need help and who can have it better than relatives and close friends? But not all so lucky. Me treated hundreds of people who do not know how to cope with adversity and challenges, which path to choose. Turning to me, they were removed from his heart a heavy load. I am proud that I could help them. I can not predict their future, but I help them realize the power of their own will and make their life more happy, full and interesting. I will give you one piece of advice. Try every day to say someone compliments and interest in their affairs. Thus you start a chain reaction - and feel you have the benefit of perfect good deed.

I like my job. When people ask me advice, I always put yourself in the customer and try to give advice that is not contrary to human nature, turning to me for help. But I always try to give advice, which will bring the greatest benefit of my client, even if at that moment he does not realize.

We are able to change their lives, but the initiative must come from within. Help others is only effective when we are able to help themselves. If our inner world of chaos, helping others will be useless. Think about what advice would you give a man caught in a similar situation, and use it themselves.

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