Pragmatism - an extremely useful feature to implement plans and goals. This ability to plan and act on the plan, the ability to prune superfluous and choose the most important in order not to redeem their basic needs for suetuzhizni. During the week, during contact with other people-mi (from talking to a shop to talk with a friend or a friend), try to plan the purpose of your exposure: I want as a result of this contact to get something else. This "something something" might be as something tangible, and emotional: support, praise, admiration, agreement with you, the council, as well as a desire to prove something, to take revenge for something, cause another to experience negative feelings. Often, without even noticing, we communicate with people just to prove something or get to experience some feelings. It's not bad and not good, it just is. I do not welcome self-criticism on this issue, and welcome to observe and record these facts. If you are aware honestly, with what kind of goal you are dealing with a particular person, you have the opportunity to choose and decide:
-I want or do not want to get it in fact;
-If I want to get it, it is effective if my way of getting;
-What kind of a way to be effective in getting what I want;
-I believe effective: quickly and accurately, but perhaps a confrontation, or slowly, but cunning.
When you come home, write down your observations:
-I (a) get it somehow;
-I needed it to ...;
-I for the case (a) is something;
The result was such and such. Evaluate your observations:
-Are you satisfied the way you get what they want?
-Satisfied are you with? What you're happy, and what - not?
-That you think you have to do in order to be more satisfied? What specific words to say or take action?
-You seem superfluous, unrelated to the purpose?
Do the same observation and analysis of all the dialogues during the week. Many people think that, having learned something, they immediately change their behavior. You can often hear the question "why is this happening to me?" As if the answer to this question will change the present situation. Knowing the causes will not change the status quo. This byvaetlyubopytnym research, but does not bring practical results. The bottom line bring concrete actions with a specific sequence. It happens in so far as our body is arranged in a certain way.
1.Snachala we feel your body, what is happening.
2.Zatem we feel our emotional and / or physiological response that contains a power for action: to accept or reject; going to take or leave, not to give, and so on.
3.Zatem we perform any act aimed at meeting the aforesaid sense.
4.Zatem we comprehends what is happening, and our knowledge about yourself, life around the world and other people is increasing - built up experience.
5.I then we go out into the world of new, modified their experiences.
Act pragmatic
The main law pragmatism: Do not proceed to the next step, until done earlier. Only qualitative validity of the preceding enables effectively move in the next step. Following important pragmatic skill - the ability to understand their priorities, rank them and consistently implemented one after another. Start attentive to his business, and sort them. Parting with no significant and non-urgent cases is sad, but it's a small sacrifice for your success. The third important rule of pragmatism - is the ability to set goals for the future. For example, as did the owl from the parable in the beginning of the book - to think strategically. Our business strategy, plans, objectives are relevant, and there are long-term and strategic. And here you can use any "zaviralnye" idea any wildest dream to navigate, what do you want to achieve.
Write a list of your most fabulous ideas that you would like to implement. And more, more! This may be the previously unrealized dreams, long muted desire, delayed once in the "back burner" plans. Select out those who are still welcome to you and fill your heart with joy. Even if they seem completely unworkable. Take one of these ideas and make a plan to achieve it:
1.What you need from material things to implement it?
2.How are the people you can help in its implementation?
3.What obstacles you may encounter? How can they be overcome?
4.Chemu you need to learn how to implement it?
In the strategic planning of the implementation of ideas is important to consider that there are four important steps toward the goal.
To restore its ability to navigate and rearrange in a variety of circumstances, do the following exercise. Choose your multiple tasks and sign a plan for their implementation in accordance with this scheme.
1.B what I need?
2.What me for this suit?
3.How will I benefit from it? 4. What I plan to have a result?
Here is an example of the practice. Arrived client, very unsure of himself, who has decided that from it nothing ever happens. In the snippet of our work, which dealt with the professional implementation, at the moment we've had great success. Baseline was as follows. The girl was studying in the institute at the correspondence, but was not ready to take exams, write a diploma, because there is little to remember and do not have time to digest the information. Attempts to mobilize the success did not bring, brought more fear of exams. And then it was a strategic decision to take akademotpusk. Representation, by whom and where she wants to work, having no education, no. Then we investigated what it would do with pleasure.
It turned out - massage. The first stage is passed. Next began searching for suitable vocational training courses (second stage). Courses were found, but again came the fear of not cope with the exam. But because it was for her favorite (as opposed to institutions), then, despite the experience, the examination was put on the "5"! It was a great victory! But on the next faced a task - to find a job (looking for a way interaction). The first attempts unsuccessful. It is rejected by, because (third phase) presented himself in such a way that it simply could not take the job. We rehearsed presentation, and a few days later I received a SMS: «I got a job at an elite beauty salon." For me it's a great joy, because I measure the results of its work to improve the level and quality of life for my clients. Do not know yet how proceeds fourth stage - I hope that all is well.
In this exercise, it becomes obvious that the realization of dreams - it is a practical problem, which we divided into stages (small problem) and they consistently implement each other. At each stage can be split into several stages along the same lines. If you are faced with the fact that by breaking some sort of problem on these 4 steps, you still do not understand how to implement it, break each step (or only those steps that seem unclear) and on 4 stages. Each piece of our curve implementation needs may also represent a curve.