Praise and encourage your men!
What do you think, what are the consequences of women's whining? How effective are phrases like, "Well, what have you done!", "You can not do anything on the normal," "I knew that you can rely on? The effect of all this is less than zero. It is negative! Do you think that after your screams, "You did everything again, not because I asked you! There's nothing you can do it! "He playfully jumped from his chair and run to fix the offense? Think so at least naive, and at most it is simply dangerous. Nobody likes to listen to reproaches. Do not believe me? Think of yourself after a reprimand the chief.
Surely you did not have the slightest desire to work. But praise is always encourages and inspires you. So it is with men! Hence the first rule that everyone knows kindergarten teacher: encouraging instead of censure! Praise is always attached to its confidence and faith in yourself and most importantly - the desire to continue to improve. Suppose he brought you a bouquet of wildflowers. If you start whining and complaining that "this is Anatoly from the fifty-third apartment in general that its Alcaeus orchid is, and you ...", it is clear that the generosity of your men, it will not add. Rather too discourage any desire to give you anything else. And here is a sincere joy to anyone, let yourself simple, bouquet, your grateful smile and gentle words of gratitude: "You have such a caring, attentive, romantic!" - Can do wonders.

If it fires you scrambled eggs and thus insufficient salting / overdone / burnt dish, in any case not to deride and condemn it. After all, he wanted to give you pleasure. Be sure to say thank you and if you are able to exploit, then try to at least try. Otherwise you may run into aggression: "Oh you! I'll do me a favor done, that went into the kitchen! It is not a masculine occupation! And by the way you cook is not better! ". But the promotion of your mouth can inspire him to new feats. He'll definitely try again, and probably the next time the dish will turn much better. So simple way you can bring your boyfriend in almost any quality. The main thing is not to lose patience and exercise diplomacy. Praise and encourage your men!
Language barrier
There are two possible reasons for shortages of compliments! The first - he did not know how to speak beautifully! Unfortunately, today it is not uncommon. If, having come full tuning in a beauty salon, you come home and hear something like: "E E E ... and you are ... nothing so much like ... well ... freshened!". It means that your men are just not hanging tongue. There's nothing wrong with that. At least you can rejoice that he has a sincere desire to tell you sweet words. He simply does not know how. To get started is to thank him for each, even if not too graceful compliment. Take it for what it is.
If he is not able to tell you something like: "Oh, this shade of raven so relevant in the coloring of your hair!" Or "Your skin like petals of a tulip neraskryvshegosya" - it does not mean that he does not think so. Quite possibly, he thinks that way, but it can only express the words: "Cool look." Rejoice that you are dealing with a sincere man. And if you still want more lush compliments, you should go along to the courses of oratorical skill. Such joint exercises will continue to communicate not only you but also help develop communication skills. And this, agree, be useful in career and in life and in love!
If your man a great command of words, and at the beginning of your relationship is often let go in your address poetic compliments, and now their stream suddenly dried up - so he just relaxed. It seems that your boyfriend believes that you have already won, so what is the point to continue to sing praises to you? In his view, it is as meaningless as forcing an open door.
The solution may be applied by you, "boomerang effect". Praise him! Do him as much praise. "I like your birthmark," "You've got such big biceps! You resumed its visits to the gym? ", Etc. If you want him to pay attention to your appearance, was noted by his appearance. If you want to be admired thy aptitude for composing compliments for his outstanding ability and career success. Praise and encourage your men! " Man is so constituted that, when he praised, he unconsciously wants to say something in response. Thus, a man begins to look closely to you and to celebrate more and more dignity. In addition, you can safely fish for compliments, being interested in his opinion. You can take it with you into the store. Let him choose your perfume or by an expert when buying lingerie. Men never skimp on the praise that had chosen!
Who's the Boss?
"I'm the boss!" - Says your boyfriend, banging his fist on the table, and then sits in front of the TV drinking beer. Is the owner - is the one who gives the orders? Is the real owner can run his own farm? How to teach her boyfriend to the kitchen fieldwork? To begin with the word lawyer! Men are mostly absolutely not to blame for that are not accustomed to help around the house. Most of the boys educated in the belief that their duty to earn and bring money into the house. From an early age they are taught to "man's duties." Hammer a nail into the wall, to protect someone - it please!
But if parents see that his son is interested in saucepan and skeet, the molding sand pies and dolls, they are immediately horrified and began struggling to prove your child that it is wrong! That's not manly! Parents why that terrible fear that the boy playing with dolls and having fun "baking sand kulichiki, people need to grow non-traditional sexual orientation. But in vain! A lot of guys in childhood have a craving for "nemuzhskim" occupations, and as a result then they make wonderful fathers (since he a child of this dream, when nursed dolls), prominent chefs, and just a very business man.
But, unfortunately, the system of raising children have built such a way that boys grow into men who recognize only the "masculine" household chores. And so, as you yourself know very little. Hammer a nail, screw in a light bulb, take out the trash, max - go to the grocery store. Everything else, including cooking, washing, ironing and cleaning - the female portion. Try to gently bring him to the home affairs. For example, proposed instead to cook the meat from the cookbook. Ask him to help men. Meat in fact need to beat off! And this requires masculine strength! Go shopping together. Let him see what products you buy and why. The next time he will know that on his way to work can not buy just a bottle of beer and a pack of cigarettes, but also cereals, meat, vegetables. Finally, we proposed to divide the household chores.
Let him, for example, cleaner (because you "is hard to find in this modern technology with a lot of functions, and generally such a fancy vacuum cleaner you're afraid to break!"), And you take on himself mopping. Such a system actually works and can be very positive impact on relations. For example, we have agreed with her boyfriend, that he always prepares breakfast, lunch, we work, and dinner - my prerogative. "I think breakfast in bed, his girlfriend - is very romantic," - says my boyfriend. In this, perhaps, is the main focus! Let your man feel that when he performs "nemuzhskuyu work", it is especially manly and sexy for you.